7 国際: 2017年9月アーカイブ



Authors: Takano, Y., Ukezono, M., Nakashima, S. F. (中嶋智史), Takahashi, N., & Hironaka, N.

Title: Learning of efficient behaviour in spatial exploration through observation of behaviour of conspecific in laboratory rats.

Journal(書誌情報): Royal Society Open Science,  4, 170121

doi: DOI: 10.1098/rsos.170121

論文URL: http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/4/9/170121

Abstract: Recent studies have suggested that rodent behaviour is influenced by the behaviour of surrounding conspecifics (e.g. emotional contagion and prosocial behaviour). However, little is known about deferred imitation and complex observational learning in rats. The purpose of this study was to reveal whether rats can learn from another rat's experiences. In a maze, observer rats watched the foraging behaviour of other rats (demonstrators) and then foraged in turn. The results showed that demonstrators explored inefficiently, but observers explored more efficiently after observing inefficient exploration by the demonstrators. This observational learning probably involved the acquisition of an efficient strategy through spatial exploration.

著者Contact先の email: ytakano[at]mail.doshisha.ac.jp([at]を@に変更してください。)

Authors: Masataka Nakayama(中山真孝)and Satoru Saito(齊藤智)

Title: Position-element frequency learning is dissociable from Hebb repetition learning

Journal(書誌情報): Journal of Memory and Language, Volume 94, June 2017, Pages 235-253

doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2016.11.007

論文URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0749596X16302479?via%3Dihub

Position-element association has been extensively investigated as a mechanism for serial order memory and has been widely implemented in models of short-term memory. This study examined whether and how the position-element association is learned as a form of long-term knowledge dissociated from other forms of knowledge such as sequence knowledge acquired in the Hebb list repetition paradigm. Laboratory learning experiments demonstrated that repeated exposure to a specific position-element association facilitated subsequent recall of the position-element association with experimental control of other aspects of to-be-learned statistical structure of the artificial phonotactics. The experiments also demonstrated that the positional frequency learning was more gradual than Hebb list learning, suggesting a dissociation of the two forms of learning. Functional roles of these two forms of learning were discussed.

著者Contact先の email:
masataka.nakayama.mn [at] gmail.com (M. Nakayama), or saito.satoru.2z [at] kyoto-u.ac.jp (S. Saito).

Authors:Takemura, N., Inui, T., and Fukui, T 

Title:A Neural network model for development of reaching and pointing based on the interaction of forward and inverse transformations. 

Journal(書誌情報):Developmental Science 


Pointing is one of the communicative actions that infants acquire during  their first year of life. Based on a hypothesis that early pointing is  triggered by emergent reaching behavior toward objects placed at out-of-reach distances, we proposed a neural network model that acquires reaching without explicit representation of 'targets'. The proposed model controls a two-joint arm in a horizontal plane, and it learns a loop of internal forward and inverse transformations; the former predicts the visual feedback of hand position and the latter generates motor commands from the visual input through random generation  of the motor commands. In the proposed model, the motor output and visual input were represented by broadly tuned neural units. Even though  explicit 'targets' were not presented during learning, the simulation successfully generated reaching toward visually presented objects at within-reach and out-of-reach distances. 

著者Contact先の email:meitz100[at]fork.ocn.ne.jp([at]を@に変更してください。)
Authors:Inui, T., Kumagaya, S and Myowa-Yamakoshi, M.

Title:Neurodevelopmental hypothesis about the etiology of autism spectrum disorders.

Journal(書誌情報): Frontiers in Human Neuroscience



Previous models or hypotheses of autism spectral disorder (ASD) failed to take into full consideration the chronological and causal developmental trajectory, leading to the emergence of diverse phenotypes  through a complex interaction between individual etiologies and environmental factors. Those phenotypes include persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction (criteria A in DSM-5), and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities (criteria B in DSM-5). In this article, we proposed a domain-general model that can explain criteria in DSM-5 based on the assumption that the same etiological mechanism would trigger the various phenotypes observed in different individuals with ASD. In the model, we assumed the  following joint causes as the etiology of autism: (1) Hypoplasia of the  pons in the brainstem, occurring immediately following neural tube  closure; and (2) Deficiency in the GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) developmental switch during the perinatal period. Microstructural abnormalities of the pons directly affect both the structural and functional development of the brain areas strongly connected to it, especially amygdala. The impairment of GABA switch could not only lead to the deterioration of inhibitory processing in the neural network, but  could also cause abnormal cytoarchitecture. We introduced a perspective  that atypical development in both brain structure and function can give  full explanation of diverse phenotypes and pathogenetic mechanism of  ASD. Finally, we discussed about neural mechanisms underlying the  phenotypic characteristics of ASD that are not described in DSM-5 but  should be considered as important foundation: sleep, global precedence,  categorical perception, intelligence, interoception and motor control.

著者Contact先の email:meitz100[at]fork.ocn.ne.jp([at]を@に変更してください。)

Authors: Toshiki Saito, Rui Nouchi, Hikari Kinjo, Ryuta Kawashima
Title:Gaze Bias in Preference Judgments by Younger and Older Adults
Journal(書誌情報): Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Abstract:Individuals' gaze behavior reflects the choice they will ultimately make. For example, people confronting a choice among multiple stimuli tend to look longer at stimuli that are subsequently chosen than at other stimuli. This tendency, called the gaze bias effect, is a key aspect of visual decision-making. Nevertheless, no study has examined the generality of the gaze bias effect in older adults. Here, we used a two-alternative forced-choice task (2AFC) to compare the gaze behavior reflective of different stages of decision processes demonstrated by younger and older adults. Participants who had viewed two faces were instructed to choose the one that they liked/disliked or the one that they judged to be more/less similar to their own face. Their eye movements were tracked while they chose. The results show that the gaze bias effect occurred during the remaining time in both age groups irrespective of the decision type. However, no gaze bias effect was observed for the preference judgment during the first dwell time. Our study demonstrated that the gaze bias during the remaining time occurred regardless of decision-making task and age. Further study using diverse participants, such as clinic patients or infants, may help to generalize the gaze bias effect and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the gaze bias.
著者Contact先の email: toshiki.saito[at]med.tohoku.ac.jp([at]を@に変更してください。)

Kobayashi, Y., Matsushita, S., & Morikawa, K. (小林勇輝・松下戦具・森川和則)

Effects of lip color on perceived lightness of human facial skin

i-Perception, 8(4), 2017

doi: 10.1177/2041669517717500

Whereas geometric illusions in human faces have been reported by
several studies, illusions of color or lightness in faces have seldom
been explored. Here, we psychophysically investigated whether lip
color influences facial skin's perceived lightness. Results of
Experiment 1 demonstrated that redder lips lightened and darker lips
darkened the perceived complexion. These lightness or darkness
inducing effects differ from the classical illusion of lightness
contrast in nonface objects for two reasons. First, illusory effects
are more assimilative than contrastive. Second, the inducing area
(i.e., lips) is much smaller than the influenced area (facial skin).
Experiment 2 showed that the assimilative lightness induction was
caused by holistic processing of faces. This is the first study to
scientifically substantiate the claim of cosmetics manufacturers and
makeup artists that lip colors can alter perceived facial skin color.
Implications for face perception, lightness illusion, and perceptual
effects of cosmetics are discussed.

著者Contact先の email:
y-kobayashi[at]hus.osaka-u.ac.jp (小林勇輝)

Muto, H., Matsushita, S., & Morikawa, K. (武藤拓之・松下戦具・森川和則)

Spatial perspective taking mediated by whole-body motor simulation

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,
Advance online publication, 2017.

doi: 10.1037/xhp0000464


Humans can envision the world from other people's viewpoints. To
explore the embodied process of such spatial perspective taking, we
examined whether action related to a whole-body movement modulates
performance on spatial perspective-taking tasks. Results showed that
when participants responded by putting their left/right foot or
left/right hand forward, actions congruent with a movement's direction
(clockwise/counterclockwise) reduced RTs relative to incongruent
actions. In contrast, actions irrelevant to a movement (a left/right
hand index-finger response) did not affect performance. Furthermore,
we demonstrated that this response congruency effect cannot be
explained by either spatial stimulus-response compatibility or
sensorimotor interference. These results support the involvement of
simulated whole-body movement in spatial perspective taking. Moreover,
the findings revealed faster foot responses than hand responses during
spatial perspective taking, whereas the opposite result was obtained
during a simple orientation judgment task without spatial perspective
taking. Overall, our findings highlight the important role of motor
simulation in spatial perspective taking.

著者Contact先の email:
h_muto[at]hus.osaka-u.ac.jp (武藤拓之)

(2) 空間的視点取得課題において,手よりも足の反応が速くなること(足の優位性)を報告しています。これらの結果は,空間的視点取得の認知過程が進化的および発達的に身体性に根差している可能性を示唆しています。(武藤)