7 国際: 2014年11月アーカイブ

Authors: Nakamura, H., Ito, Y., Honma, Y., Mori, T., & Kawaguchi, J.

Title:Cold-hearted or cool-headed: physical coldness promotes
utilitarian moral judgment.

Journal(書誌情報):Frontiers in psychology, 5: 1086.

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01086

Abstract: In the current study, we examine the effect of physical
coldness on personal moral dilemma judgment. Previous studies have
indicated that utilitarian moral judgment?sacrificing a few people to
achieve the greater good for others?was facilitated when: (1)
participants suppressed an initial emotional response and deliberately
thought about the utility of outcomes; (2) participants had a
high-level construal mindset and focused on abstract goals (e.g., save
many); or (3) there was a decreasing emotional response to sacrificing
a few. In two experiments, we exposed participants to extreme cold or
typical room temperature and then asked them to make personal moral
dilemma judgments. The results of Experiment 1 indicated that coldness
prompted utilitarian judgment, but the effect of coldness was
independent from deliberate thought or abstract high-level construal
mindset. As Experiment 2 revealed, coldness facilitated utilitarian
judgment via reduced empathic feelings. Therefore, physical coldness
did not affect the "cool-headed" deliberate process or the abstract
high-level construal mindset. Rather, coldness biased people toward
being "cold-hearted," reduced empathetic concern, and facilitated
utilitarian moral judgments.

著者Contact先の email: nakamura.hiroko[at]b.mbox.nagoya-u.ac.jp