7 国際: 2013年7月アーカイブ
Authors: Sachio Otsuka, Megumi Nishiyama, Fumitaka Nakahara, & Jun Kawaguchi(大塚幸生・西山めぐみ・中原史隆・川口 潤) Title: Visual statistical learning based on the perceptual and semantic information of objects Journal(書誌情報): Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39(1), 196-207, 2013. doi: 10.1037/a0028645 論文URL: http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/xlm/39/1/196.pdf Abstract: Five experiments examined what is learned based on the perceptual and semantic information of objects in visual statistical learning (VSL). In the familiarization phase, participants viewed a sequence of line drawings and detected repetitions of various objects. In a subsequent test phase, they watched 2 test sequences (statistically related triplets vs. unrelated foils) and decided whether the first or second sequence was more familiar based on the familiarization phase. In Experiment 1A, the test sequences comprised line drawings; in Experiment 1B, they comprised word stimuli representing each line drawing. The results showed that performance for statistically related triplets was greater than chance. In Experiments 2 and 3 containing the forward ABC and backward CBA triplets in the test, the results showed the importance of temporal order, especially in line drawings. In Experiment 4, in which the forward triplets were pitted against the backward triplets, we showed that temporal order is still important for the expression of VSL with word stimuli. Finally, in Experiment 5, we replicated the results of Experiments 2 and 3 even with the images of visual objects. These results suggest the parallel processes on the visual features and semantic information of objects in VSL. 著者Contact先の email: otsuka.sachio.65w@st.kyoto-u.ac.jp 日本語によるコメント(オプション,200-300字で) 本研究では,人がどのような情報に基づいて統計的規則性を抽出・学習してい るのかを検討した。実験の結果,テスト時にオブジェクトが用いられた場合,学 習―テスト間で刺激列内のオブジェクトの呈示順序が同じ条件のみで学習効果が 見られ,順序が異なる条件では学習効果は認められなかった。一方で,テスト時 にオブジェクトを表す単語が用いられた場合,順序が同じ条件と同様に順序が異 なる条件でも学習効果が認められた。これらの結果は,オブジェクトの特徴情報 に基づいて時系列順序を抽出・学習し,さらに意味情報に基づいてオブジェクト 刺激をまとまりとして学習している可能性を示唆している。
Authors: Shin-ichi ASakawa Title: Re-Evaluation of Attractor Neural Network Model to Explain Double Dissociation in Semantic Memory Disorder Journal(書誌情報): Psychology, ISSN Print: 2152-7180, ISSN Online: 2152-7199 doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.43A053 論文URL: http://www.Scirp.org/journal/psych Abstract: Structure of semantic memory was investigated in the way of neural network simulations in detail. In the literature, it is well-known that brain damaged patients often showed category specific disorder in various cognitive neuropsychological tasks like picture naming, categorisation, identification tasks and so on. In order to describe semantic memory disorder of brain damaged patients, the attractor neural network model originally proposed Hinton and Shallice (1991) was employed and was tried to re-evaluate the model performance. Especially, in order to answer the question about organization of semantic memory, how our semantic memories are organized, computer simulations were conducted. After the model learned data set (Tyler, Moss, Durrant-Peatfield, & Levy, 2000), units in hidden and cleanup layers were removed and observed its performances. The results showed category specificity. This model could also explain the double dissociation phenomena. In spite of the simplicity of its architecture, the attractor neural network might be considered to mimic human behavior in the meaning of semantic memory organization and its disorder. Although this model could explain various phenomenon in cognitive neuropsychology, it might become obvious that this model had one limitation to explain human behavior. As far as investigation in this study, asymmetry in category specificity between animate and inanimate objects might not be explained on this model without any additional assumptions. Therefore, further studies must be required to improve our understanding for semantic memory organisation. 著者Contact先の email: asakawa@ieee.rog 日本語によるコメント いくつかの国際学会で発表した内容をまとめた論文です.アトラクタニューラル ネットワークによる 意味記憶の障害に関する記述になります.神経心理学におけるカテゴリー特異性 障害のモデルとして 有効であると考えます.
Author: Yohtaro Takano (University of Tokyo) Title: Japanese Culture Explored Through Experimental Design Journal(書誌情報): A. Kurylo (Ed.) Inter/Cultural Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2013, pp. 405-412. ISBN: 978-1-4129-8693-9 Abstract: [この論文は、本の1章なので Abstract がありません。概要を日本語で記し ます。] この論文は、社会的認知(集団の認知)に関する研究を記した論文です。 西欧では、近代の西欧文化を「個人主義」と規定し、他の文化を「集団主義」 と規定するイデオロギーが発達しました。このイデオロギーをベースに、「欧米 人は個人主義的、日本人は集団主義的」という認識が広まり、これが「日本人 論」の中心的なドグマになりました。このドグマは、近年、心理学的な比較文化 研究のベースにもなっています。 ところが、1980年代から90年代にかけて盛んに行なわれた集団主義・個人主義 に関する実証的な国際比較研究のうち、「世界で最も個人主義的」と考えられて きたアメリカ人と「世界で最も集団主義的」と考えられてきた日本人を直接比較 した研究を総覧してみたところ、アメリカ人と日本人のあいだには、そのような 差異は全く認められないことがわかりました(Takano & Osaka, 1999)。 実証的な研究のうち、同調行動の研究については、「実験の参加者が内集団の メンバーではなかったので、日本人の場合も、集団に同調するという行動が生じ なかったのではないか」という疑義が呈されました。この疑問に答えるために、 日本で内集団のメンバーを対象にした実験を行なったのですが、その実験を記し たのがこの論文です。実験の結果、日本人は、内集団のメンバーであっても、ア メリカ人と同程度にしか集団に同調しないことが明らかになりました。 この論文では、「文化差」が、他集団に対する敵意を煽ろうとする政治的な目 的にしばしば利用されてきたことを指摘し、「文化差」の主張には確固とした実 証的な根拠が不可欠であることを強調しています。 著者Contact先の email: takano@L.u-tokyo.ac.jp 日本語によるコメント(オプション,200-300字で) この論文は、Takano & Sogon (2008) を教科書向けに短縮し、書き直したもの です。Takano & Sogon (2008) は、高野(2008)でも紹介しました。この論文の 一節は、パーソナリティ心理学の教科書 (Funder, 2012) に引用されています。 Takano, Y. & Osaka, E. (1999). An unsupported common view: Comparing Japan and the U.S. on individualism/collectivism. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2, 311-341. 高野陽太郎 (2008). 『「集団主義」という錯覚』 新曜社 Takano, Y. & Sogon, S. (2008). Are Japanese more collectivistic than Americans?: Examining conformity in in-groups and the reference-group effect. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39, 237-250. Funder, D. C. (2012). The Personality Puzzle (6th ed). Norton.
Authors: Tadamasa Narimoto, naomi Matsuura, Tomohiro Takezawa, Yoshinori Mitsuhashi, and Michio Hiratani Title: Spatial short-term memory in children with visuospatial learning disabilities: Impairment in encoding spatial configuration (2013) Vol. 174 (1), 73-87 Journal: Journal of Genetic Psychology (5-Year Impact Factor: 1.098) (Aims & scope: The Journal of Genetic Psychology is devoted to research and theory in developmental psychology across the life span. We accept submissions in the areas of educational and cross-cultural comparative psychology if they are developmental in nature. The major thrust of the journal is empirical research and the exposition and criticism of theory doi: 10.1080/00221325.2011.641040 論文URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/vgnt20/174/1 Abstract: The authors investigated whether impaired spatial short-term memory exhibited by children with nonverbal learning disabilities is due to a problem in the encoding process. Children with or without nonverbal learning disabilities performed a simple spatial test that required them to remember 3, 5, or 7 spatial items presented simultaneously in random positions (i.e., spatial configuration) and to decide if a target item was changed or all items including the target were in the same position. The results showed that, even when the spatial positions in the encoding and probe phases were similar, the mean proportion correct of children with nonverbal learning disabilities was 0.58 while that of children without nonverbal learning disabilities was 0.84. The authors argue with the results that children with nonverbal learning disabilities have difficulty encoding relational information between spatial items, and that this difficulty is responsible for their impaired spatial short- term memory. 著者Contact先のemail: tanarimo@ed.tokyo-fukushi.ac.jp
Authors: Tatsushi Fukaya Title: Explanation generation, not explanation expectancy, improves metacomprehension accuracy Journal(書誌情報): Metacognition and Learning 2013, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 1-18 doi: 10.1007/s11409-012-9093-0 論文URL: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11409-012-9093-0 Abstract: The ability to monitor the status of one's own understanding is important to accomplish academic tasks proficiently. Previous studies have shown that comprehension monitoring (metacomprehension accuracy) is generally poor, but improves when readers engage in activities that access valid cues reflecting their situation model (activities such as concept mapping or self-explaining). However, the question still remains as to which process, encoding or retrieving, causes the improvement of metacomprehension accuracy, and the findings of previous research on this matter have been inconsistent. This study examined whether college students' metacomprehension accuracy improves when they expect, at the time of reading, that they will explain the content later (active encoding) or when they actually generate an explanation (encoding plus active retrieving). In the experiments, college students read five texts. During reading, some students expected that they would generate explanations but did not actually generate them. In contrast, some students actually generated an explanation of the text after reading. All students then rated their comprehension of each text. Finally, they completed tests on the materials. Results of both studies revealed that metacomprehension accuracy, operationalized as the association between comprehension ratings and test performance, was greater for the group that actually generated explanations than for the expectancy or control groups. 著者Contact先の email: fuka1026@gmail.com 日本語によるコメント(オプション,200-300字で) 本研究は,2つの実験から,他の人に説明を行うと,自身の理解状態が明確化さ れる効果が得られることを示したものです。 具体的には,大学生に異なるトピックの5つの文章について,学習,理解度判 断,テストを行い,理解度判断とテスト成績の 個人内連関係数(γ係数)を算出しました。統制群や説明を予期しながら学習す るだけの説明予期群と比較して,実際に説明を 産出した群において高いγ係数が認められました。つまり,説明産出を求めるこ とで,自分がその内容を本当に理解しているのか (「分かったつもり」)を明らかにできることが示されました。
Authors: Motoyasu Honma, Nobutaka Endo, Yoshihisa Osada, Yoshiharu Kim, Kenichi Kuriyama Title: Disturbances in equilibrium function after major earthquake Journal(書誌情報): Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/srep00749 論文URL: http://www.nature.com/srep/2012/121019/srep00749/full/srep00749.html Abstract: Major earthquakes were followed by a large number of aftershocks and significant outbreaks of dizziness occurred over a large area. However it is unclear why major earthquake causes dizziness. We conducted an intergroup trial on equilibrium dysfunction and psychological states associated with equilibrium dysfunction in individuals exposed to repetitive aftershocks versus those who were rarely exposed. Greater equilibrium dysfunction was observed in the aftershock-exposed group under conditions without visual compensation. Equilibrium dysfunction in the aftershock-exposed group appears to have arisen from disturbance of the inner ear, as well as individual vulnerability to state anxiety enhanced by repetitive exposure to aftershocks. We indicate potential effects of autonomic stress on equilibrium function after major earthquake. Our findings may contribute to risk management of psychological and physical health after major earthquakes with aftershocks, and allow development of a new empirical approach to disaster care after such events. 著者Contact先の email: mhonma@ncnp.go.jp 日本語要約: 2011年3月11日に発生した東北沖地震の約4カ月後に,余震を多く経 験した集団(地震群)と経験しなかった集団(統制群)の平衡感覚機能(体の揺 れ)と心理的ストレスを調査しました.その結果,地震群の平衡感覚は統制群に 比べて悪化しており,それに伴い心理的ストレスも増加する関係が見られまし た.また地震群では内耳機能障害を反映する低周波数帯域(緩やかな揺れ)が増 大していました.これらの結果は,繰り返す余震による物理的作用と,余震に関 連付けられた心理的ストレス反応が内耳機能異常を惹き起こす可能性を示唆しま す.本研究は災害ケアのための新しい実証的アプローチを提案しました. 日本語によるコメント: 身体の平衡維持(バランス)機能は,主に内耳の前庭器 で受容される前庭感覚の他に,視覚や聴覚,さらには情動にも影響を受ける複雑 なメカニズムだと知られています.ヒトにおける平衡維持機能障害は,メニエー ル病や脳血管障害などの症状として現れやすく,また不安障害やうつ病といった 精神疾患にも関連があるようです.平衡感覚機能が生物の体幹を現すものだと考 えると,行動指標として幅広い分野に応用できるツールだと思いました.
Author: Motoyasu Honma
Title: Hyper-volume of eye-contact perception and social anxiety traits
Journal(書誌情報): Consciousness and Cognition
doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2012.12.002.
論文URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S105381001200236X
Abstract: Eye-contact facilitates effective interpersonal exchange
during social interactions, but can be a considerable source of anxiety
for individuals with social phobia. However, the relationship between
the fundamental spatial range of eye-contact perception and psychiatric
traits is, to date, unknown. In this study, I analyzed the eye-contact
spatial response bias and the associated pupil response, and how they
relate to traits of social interaction disorders. In a face-to-face
situation, 21 pairs of subjects were randomly assigned to be either
viewers or perceivers. The viewer was instructed to gaze either at the
perceiver's eyes, or at a predetermined point, and the perceiver was
asked to indicate whether eye-contact had been established or not. I
found that the perceptual volume is much larger than the actual volume
of eye-contact, and that the subjective judgment of eye-contact elicited
greater pupil dilation in the perceiver. Furthermore, the relationship
between behavioral performance and social anxiety traits was identified.
These findings provide new indications that internal traits related to
lower social anxiety are potentially related to a restriction of spatial
response bias for eye-contact.
著者Contact先の email: mhonma@ncnp.go.jp
日本語要約: 対面する二者におけるアイコンタクト(視線一致)の知覚体積およ
日本語によるコメント: ながらく眼球運動測定に関わってきたのですが,高次な
Title: Hyper-volume of eye-contact perception and social anxiety traits
Journal(書誌情報): Consciousness and Cognition
doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2012.12.002.
論文URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S105381001200236X
Abstract: Eye-contact facilitates effective interpersonal exchange
during social interactions, but can be a considerable source of anxiety
for individuals with social phobia. However, the relationship between
the fundamental spatial range of eye-contact perception and psychiatric
traits is, to date, unknown. In this study, I analyzed the eye-contact
spatial response bias and the associated pupil response, and how they
relate to traits of social interaction disorders. In a face-to-face
situation, 21 pairs of subjects were randomly assigned to be either
viewers or perceivers. The viewer was instructed to gaze either at the
perceiver's eyes, or at a predetermined point, and the perceiver was
asked to indicate whether eye-contact had been established or not. I
found that the perceptual volume is much larger than the actual volume
of eye-contact, and that the subjective judgment of eye-contact elicited
greater pupil dilation in the perceiver. Furthermore, the relationship
between behavioral performance and social anxiety traits was identified.
These findings provide new indications that internal traits related to
lower social anxiety are potentially related to a restriction of spatial
response bias for eye-contact.
著者Contact先の email: mhonma@ncnp.go.jp
日本語要約: 対面する二者におけるアイコンタクト(視線一致)の知覚体積およ
日本語によるコメント: ながらく眼球運動測定に関わってきたのですが,高次な
Authors: ISARIDA Takeo, ISARIDA Toshiko K., & SAKAI Tetsuya Title: Effects of study time and meaningfulness on environmental context-dependent recognition Journal: Memory & Cognition, Vol 40, No. 8, 1225-1235, 2012. doi: 10.3758/s13421-012-0234-0 論文URL: http://link.springer.com/journal/13421/40/8/page/1 Abstract: In two experiments, we examined whether the size of place-context-dependent recognition decreased with study time and with the meaningfulness of the to-beremembered materials. A group of 80 undergraduates intentionally studied a list of words in a short (1.5 s per item) or a long (4.0 s per item) study-time condition (Exp. 1). Another 40 undergraduates studied lists consisting of words and nonwords in the long-study-time condition (Exp. 2). After a short retention interval, recognition for the targets was tested in the same or in a different context. Context was manipulated by means of the combination of place, subsidiary task, and experimenter. Significant context-dependent recognition discrimination was found for words in the shortstudy- time condition (Exp. 1), but not in the long-study-time condition (Exps. 1 and 2). Significant effects were found as well for nonwords, even in the long-study-time condition (Exp. 2). These results are explained well by an outshining account: that is, by principles of outshining and encoding specificity. 著者Contact先の email: isarida@inf.shizuoka.ac.jp 日本語によるコメント 場所を操作した環境的文脈依存効果は,再生ではかなり 明確に見いだされていますが,再認では非常に不明確でした。本研究は,学習項 目の有意味性と学習時間に着目し,不明確な場所文脈依存再認を,実証的に整理 することに成功しました。また,場所文脈依存再認は,エピソード想起説(符号 化特殊性原理+アウトシャイン原理)を用いて説明できることを実証しました。 最近,視覚文脈依存再認において有力なICE理論(熟知性での説明)では説明不 能でした。
Authors: Iwabuchi Toshiki, Inui Toshio, Ogawa Kenji Title: A functional MRI study of a picture-sentence verification task: evidence of attention shift to the grammatical subject Journal(書誌情報): Neuroreport, 24(6):298-302. doi: 10.1097/WNR.0b013e32835f8826 論文URL: http://journals.lww.com/neuroreport/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2013&issue=04170&article=00006&type=abstract Abstract: Mapping the meaning of a sentence onto visual entities is a fundamental process of daily language use, but it is unclear how attention in the visual context influences sentence comprehension. Aiming to examine this problem, we conducted a picture-sentence matching experiment with scanning using functional MRI. In the experiment, a moving picture describing an event with two colored objects was presented on a screen. A visual cue was flashed at the position of an object's appearance just before the event presentation, and participants were instructed to pay attention to the visually cued object in the picture. They were then required to read a simple Japanese sentence and to verify whether it correctly described the previous event. To examine the effects of visual cueing, we defined two conditions on the basis of the relationship between the visually cued object in an event and the grammatical subject of the subsequent sentence. When comparing the conditions in which the visually cued object was incongruent with the grammatical subject to the congruent conditions, participants showed a lower hit rate, and the right frontal eye field, which is known to be the region related to attention shift, was more activated. These findings suggest that the attention was initially allocated to an object encoded as the grammatical subject in the process of linking the content of a sentence with a visual event. Therefore, the attention was shifted from the cued object to the other object under the conditions discussed above. 著者Contact先の email: iwabuchi@cog.ist.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Authors: Fukui T, Inui T. Title: How vision affects kinematic properties of pantomimed prehension movements. Journal(書誌情報): Frontiers in Psychology doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00044 論文URL: http://www.frontiersin.org/Cognitive_Science/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00044/full Abstract: When performing the reach-to-grasp movement, fingers open wider than the size of a target object and then stop opening. The recorded peak grip aperture (PGA) is significantly larger when this action is performed without vision during the movement than with vision, presumably due to an error margin that is retained in order to avoid collision with the object. People can also pretend this action based on an internal target representation (i.e., pantomimed prehension), and previous studies have shown that kinematic differences exist between natural and pantomimed prehension. These differences are regarded as a reflection of variations in information processing in the brain through the dorsal and ventral streams. Pantomimed action is thought to be mediated by the ventral stream. This implies that visual information during the movement, which is essential to the dorsal stream, has little effect on the kinematic properties of pantomimed prehension. We investigated whether an online view of the external world affects pantomimed grasping, and more specifically, whether the dorsal stream is involved in its execution. Participants gazed at a target object and were then subjected to a 3-s visual occlusion, during which time the experimenter removed the object. The participants were then required to pretend to make a reach-to-grasp action toward the location where the object had been presented. Two visual conditions (full vision and no vision) were imposed during the pantomimed action by manipulating shutter goggles. The PGA showed significant differences between the two visual conditions, whereas no significant difference was noted for terminal grip aperture, which was recorded at the movement end. This suggests the involvement of the dorsal stream in pantomimed action and implies that pantomimed prehension is a good probe for revealing the mechanism of interaction between the ventral and dorsal streams, which is also linked to embodied cognition. 著者Contact先の email: takao.fukui@inserm.fr
Authors: Fukui T, Inui T. Title: Utilization of visual feedback of the hand according to target view availability for online control of prehension movements Journal(書誌情報): Human Movement Science doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2013.03.004 論文URL: Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the role of online vision of a target object and the participant's moving hand in the early phase of reach-to-grasp movements. We designed an experiment that separately manipulated the visibility of a moving hand and the target object by using two liquid crystal shutter plates placed in the same horizontal plane (25 cm above the experimental table). When the view of the target was available immediately after movement onset, the effect of the view of the hand in the early phase of movement was very limited. The effect of the view of the hand emerged when the view of the target in the early phase of movement was not available. This was even the case for the condition where the temporal range of non-availability of the view of the target after movement initiation was 150 ms. Therefore, online vision (both the view of the target and of the hand) for controlling grasping was utilized in a flexible fashion that depended on the visual e nvironment. 著者Contact先の email: takao.fukui@inserm.fr
Authors: Ogawa K, Imamizu H. Title: Human sensorimotor cortex represents conflicting visuomotor mappings. Journal(書誌情報): The Journal of Neuroscience doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4661-12.2013 論文URL: http://www.jneurosci.org/content/33/15/6412.long Abstract: Behavioral studies have shown that humans can adapt to conflicting sensorimotor mappings that cause interference after intensive training. While previous research works indicate the involvement of distinct brain regions for different types of motor learning (e.g., kinematics vs dynamics), the neural mechanisms underlying joint adaptation to conflicting mappings within the same type of perturbation (e.g., different angles of visuomotor rotation) remain unclear. To reveal the neural substrates that represent multiple sensorimotor mappings, we examined whether different mappings could be classified with multivoxel activity patterns of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. Participants simultaneously adapted to opposite rotational perturbations (+90° and - 90°) during visuomotor tracking. To dissociate differences in movement kinematics with rotation types, we used two distinct patterns of target motion and tested generalization of the classifier between different combinations of rotation and motion types. Results showed that the rotation types were classified significantly above chance using activities in the primary sensorimotor cortex and the supplementary motor area, despite no significant difference in averaged signal amplitudes within the region. In contrast, low-level sensorimotor components, including tracking error and movement speed, were best classified using activities of the early visual cortex. Our results reveal that the sensorimotor cortex represents different visuomotor mappings, which permits joint learning and switching between conflicting sensorimotor skills. 著者Contact先の email: k.ogawa@atr.jp 日本語によるコメント 行動実験から,ヒトは干渉のある複数の視覚運動変換に同時適応が可能な点が示 唆されている.本研究は,複数の感覚運動マッピングを表象する神経表象をfMRI で明らかにした.実験参加者は視覚トラッキング課題において,2種類の相反す る回転変換(+90度または-90度)に同時適応した.適応後に運動中のfMRI活動 に対してマルチボクセルパターン分析法を用い,2つの変換条件が識別可能かを 検討した.結果から,感覚運動野の活動パターンを使って回転変換の識別が可能 であり,ヒト感覚運動野で複数の感覚運動マッピングが表象されていることが明 らかとなった.