
Authors: Tadamasa Narimoto, naomi Matsuura, Tomohiro Takezawa, Yoshinori
Mitsuhashi, and Michio Hiratani

Title: Spatial short-term memory in children with visuospatial learning
disabilities: Impairment in encoding spatial configuration (2013) Vol.
174 (1), 73-87

Journal: Journal of Genetic Psychology
(5-Year Impact Factor: 1.098)
(Aims & scope: The Journal of Genetic Psychology is devoted to research
and theory in developmental psychology across the life span. We accept
submissions in the areas of educational and cross-cultural comparative
psychology if they are developmental in nature. The major thrust of the
journal is empirical research and the exposition and criticism of theory

doi: 10.1080/00221325.2011.641040

論文URL:  http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/vgnt20/174/1

The authors investigated whether impaired spatial short-term memory
exhibited by children with nonverbal learning disabilities is due to a
problem in the   encoding process. Children with or without nonverbal
learning disabilities performed a simple spatial test that required them
to remember 3, 5, or 7 spatial items presented simultaneously in random
positions (i.e., spatial configuration) and to decide if a target item
was changed or all items including the target were in the same position.
The results showed that, even when the spatial positions in the encoding
and probe phases were similar, the mean proportion correct of children
with nonverbal learning disabilities was 0.58 while that of children
without nonverbal learning disabilities was 0.84. The authors argue with
the results that children with nonverbal learning disabilities have
difficulty encoding relational information between spatial items, and
that this difficulty is responsible for their impaired spatial short-
term memory.

著者Contact先のemail: tanarimo@ed.tokyo-fukushi.ac.jp



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