7 国際: 2015年7月アーカイブ

Authors: Takao Fukui, Toshio Inui
Title: Use of early phase online vision for grip configuration is modulated according to movement duration in prehension
Journal(書誌情報): Experimental Brain Research, August 2015, Volume 233, Issue 8, pp 2257-2268
doi: 10.1007/s00221-015-4295-8
論文URL: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00221-015-4295-8
Our previous study (Hum Mov Sci 25:349-371, 2006) investigated whether and how online vision in the early phase of movement influences the control of reach-to-grasp movements (movement duration: approximately 1000 ms). We used liquid-crystal shutter goggles to manipulate the duration of available online vision during the movement and specified that online vision during the early phase influences grasping movements. The current study examined the effect of online early phase vision on the grip configuration according to the movement duration and compared it between two different movement durations (approximately 500 and 1000 ms). We found that non-availability of early phase online vision affected the grip configuration (i.e., inducing a larger peak grip aperture) even in the shorter movement duration. The influential period for online vision for grasping control shifts to an earlier time when movement time is shorter (i.e., from approximately 214 to 106 ms after movement onset), indicating a flexible mechanism for grip configuration according to the movement duration and the available online vision.

著者Contact先の email: fukui-takao[at]rehab.go.jp
Authors: Morikawa, K., Matsushita, S., Tomita, A. and Yamanami, H.
Title: A real-lifeillusion of assimilation in the humanface: eye size illusion causedby eyebrows and eye shadow.
Journal(書誌情報): Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:139 (2015).
Abstract: Does an assimilative illusion like the Delboeuf illusion occur in the human face? We investigated factors that might influence the perceived size of the eyes in a realistic face. Experiment 1 manipulated the position of the eyebrows (high or low), the presence/absence of eye shadow, and the viewing distance (0.6 m or 5 m), then measured the perceived eye size using a psychophysical method. The results showed that low eyebrows (i.e., closer to the eyes) make the eyes appear larger, suggesting that the assimilation of eyes into the eyebrows is stronger when the eye-eyebrow distance is shorter. The results also demonstrated that the application of eye shadow also makes the eyes look larger. Moreover, the effect of eye shadow is more pronounced when viewed from a distance. In order to investigate the mechanism of the eye size illusion demonstrated in Experiment 1, Experiment 2 measured the magnitude of the Delboeuf illusion at a viewing distance of 0.6 m or 5 m, with or without gray gradation simulating the eye shadow that was used in Experiment 1. The experiment demonstrated that the Delboeuf illusion is modulated by viewing distance and gradation in the same way as the eye size illusion. These results suggest that the eye size illusion induced by the eyebrows and the Delboeuf illusion involve the same mechanism, and that eye shadow causes the assimilation of the eyes into itself and enhances assimilation between the eyes and the eyebrows. 
著者Contact先の email: morikawa[at]hus.osaka-u.ac.jp
日本語によるコメント: 目と眉の距離(眉の位置が低いまたは高い),アイシャドウの有無、および観察距離(近条件0.6mと遠条件5m)の3要因が目の過大錯視に及ぼす効果を検証しました。心理物理学的手法で錯視量を測定した結果,高い眉の条件でのみ,観察距離が近い場合と比べて遠い場合ではアイシャドウによる目の過大視が増幅されました。このことは,観察距離が遠い場合にアイシャドウのグラデーションが目と高い眉の同化を促進させることを意味します。顔画像の代わりにデルブーフ錯視図形を用いた実験でも観察距離が遠い場合にグラデーションが同様の効果を生じました。これらの結果から,アイシャドウの錯視効果はデルブーフ錯視の原理に基づき,目と眉の知覚的同化を生じさせることが示唆されました。
Authors: Matsushita, S., Morikawa, M., Mitsuzane, S. and Yamanami, H.
Title: Eye shape illusions induced by eyebrow positions.
Journal(書誌情報): Perception, 44, 529-540(2015)
Abstract: We investigated whether the position of the eyebrows influences the perceived shape of the eyes by employing psychophysical measurements. Experiment 1 used arched and straight eyebrows at five different inclinations as stimuli and measured the perceived inclination of the eyes. The results demonstrated that the eyes are perceived to be somewhat inclined in the same direction as the eyebrows. Experiment 2 measured the perceived eye size by manipulating the distance between the eyes and the eyebrows and the curvature of the eyebrows across three levels. The results showed that the lower eyebrows (ie closer to eyes) made the eyes appear larger and the higher eyebrows made the eyes appear smaller, while eyebrow curvature had no effect on perceived eye size. Experiment 3 examined the role of the eye-eyebrow distance in the eye inclination illusion shown in experiment 1. The eye inclination illusion was unaffected by the eye-eyebrow distance, suggesting that the eye inclination illusion and the eye size illusion may involve different kinds of assimilation. These illusions are discussed in terms of face perception and possible practical applications.
著者Contact先の email: soyogu[at]hus.osaka-u.ac.jp
日本語によるコメント: この研究は,眉を変えれば目の形も違って見える,という現象を心理物理学的手法で明らかにしました。実験1の結果,知覚される目の角度(つり上がり具合・たれ下がり具合)は眉の角度と同化することが明らかにされました。さらに実験2では,眉を低い位置に描くと目が大きく知覚され,高い位置に描くと小さく知覚されることも明らかになりました。眉は顔パーツの中で化粧・手入れにより最も劇的に変化させることができるパーツです。本研究の知見は,化粧法に関する実用的な意義のみならず,顔認知における全体処理・部分処理に関する考察,顔パーツ形状の同化・対比錯視に関する示唆を与えます。

Authors: Matsushita, S., Morikawa, K. and Yamanami, H.
Title: Measurement of eye size illusion caused by eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow.
Journal(書誌情報): Journal of Cosmetic Science, 66(3), 161-174(2015)
Abstract: Do eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow actually make the eyes appear larger than they really are? If so, by what percentage? To answer these questions, we used psychophysical experiments. Experiment 1 manipulated the degree of eyeliner (four levels) and mascara (five levels), and measured perceived eye size using a psychophysical procedure called the staircase method. The results showed that both eyeliner and mascara make the eyes appear larger than they really are by up to 6% (13% in area), but their effects are not additive. Eyeliner increased perceived eye size only in the absence of mascara. In the presence of mascara, however, eyeliner has no additional effect. Experiment 2 measured perceived eye size with or without eye shadow and demonstrated that eye shadow increases perceived eye size by about 5% (10% in area). These findings indicate that one mechanism by which makeup and cosmetics alter facial appearances involves inducing visual illusions. In addition, it is suggested that the eye size illusion caused by eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow uses the same mechanism as that of the Delboeuf illusion, a geometric illusion of assimilation. 
著者Contact先の email: soyogu[at]hus.osaka-u.ac.jp 
日本語によるコメント: アイメイクで,目は何パーセント大きく見えるのでしょうか?実験1では,アイランとマスカラの濃さを20段階に系統的操作し,それらの目がどの程度大きく見えるのかを心理物理学的手法で厳密に測定しました。また実験2では,アイシャドウによる目の拡大効果も同様に測定しました。実験の結果,それらのアイメイクは,(条件間の差はあるが)目を面積換算でおよそ110%の大きさに知覚させることが明らかになりました。この研究で用いた化粧は,不自然に濃いようなものではなく,実際にプロのメイクアップアーティストが自然で美しいと感じるレベルで施されました。 


Title: Latency of modality-specific reactivation of auditory and
visual information during episodic memory retrieval

Journal(書誌情報): NeuroReport, 26(6), 303-308



Abstract: This study used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to examine the
latency of modality-specific reactivation in the visual and auditory
cortices during a recognition task to determine the effects of
reactivation on episodic memory retrieval. Nine right-handed healthy
young adults participated in the experiment. The experiment consisted
of a word-encoding phase and two recognition phases. Three encoding
conditions were included: encoding words alone (word-only) and
encoding words presented with either related pictures (visual) or
related sounds (auditory). The recognition task was conducted in the
MEG scanner 15?min after the completion of the encoding phase. After
the recognition test, a source-recognition task was given, in which
participants were required to choose whether each recognition word was
not presented or was presented with which information during the
encoding phase. Word recognition in the auditory condition was higher
than that in the word-only condition. Confidence-of-recognition scores
(d′) and the source-recognition test showed superior performance in
both the visual and the auditory conditions compared with the
word-only condition. An equivalent current dipoles analysis of MEG
data indicated that higher equivalent current dipole amplitudes in the
right fusiform gyrus occurred during the visual condition and in the
superior temporal auditory cortices during the auditory condition,
both 450?550?ms after onset of the recognition stimuli. Results
suggest that reactivation of visual and auditory brain regions during
recognition binds language with modality-specific information and that
reactivation enhances confidence in one's recognition performance.

著者Contact先の email: d-ueno[at]koshien.ac.jp