7 国際: 2014年1月アーカイブ
Takafumi Sasaoka, Hiroaki Mizuhara, and Toshio Inui
Dynamic Parieto-premotor Network for Mental Image Transformation Revealed by Simultaneous
Takafumi Sasaoka, Hiroaki Mizuhara, and Toshio Inui
Dynamic Parieto-premotor Network for Mental Image Transformation Revealed by Simultaneous
EEG and fMRI Measurement
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Previous studies have suggested that the posterior parietal cortices and premotor areas are
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Previous studies have suggested that the posterior parietal cortices and premotor areas are
involved in mental image transformation. However, it
remains unknown whether these regions
really cooperate to realize mental
image transformation. In this study, simultaneous EEG and
fMRI were
performed to clarify the spatio-temporal properties of neural networks
engaged in
mental image transformation. We adopted a modified version of
the mental clock task used
by Sack et al. [Sack, A. T., Camprodon, J.
A., Pascual-Leone, A., & Goebel, R. The dynamics
of interhemispheric
compensatory processes in mental imagery. Science, 308, 702-704, 2005;
Sack, A. T., Sperling, J. M., Prvulovic, D., Formisano, E., Goebel, R.,
Di Salle, F., et al.
Tracking the mind's image in the brain II:
Transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals parietal
asymmetry in
visuospatial imagery. Neuron, 35, 195-204, 2002]. In the modified mental
task, participants mentally rotated clock hands from the position
initially presented at a learned
speed for various durations.
Subsequently, they matched the position to the visually presented
hands. During mental rotation of the clock hands, we observed
significant beta EEG
suppression with respect to the amount of mental
rotation at the right parietal electrode.
The beta EEG suppression
accompanied activity in the bilateral parietal cortices and left
premotor cortex, representing a dynamic cortical network for mental
image transformation.
These results suggest that motor signals from the
premotor area were utilized for mental image
transformation in the
parietal areas and for updating the imagined clock hands represented in
Authors: Jihyoung Lee, Kenta Matsumura, Takehiro Yamakoshi, Peter Rolfe, Naoto Tanaka, Kyungho Kim, & Ken-ichi Yamakoshi Title: Validation of normalized pulse volume in the outer ear as a simple measure of sympathetic activity using warm and cold pressor tests: towards applications in ambulatory monitoring Journal(書誌情報): Physiological Measurement, 34(3), 359-375, 2013 doi: 10.1088/0967-3334/34/3/359 論文URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/0967-3334/34/3/359 Abstract: Normalized pulse volume (NPV) derived from the ear has the potential to be a practical index for monitoring daily life stress. However, ear NPV has not yet been validated. Therefore, we compared NPV derived from an index finger using transmission photoplethysmography as a reference, with NPV derived from a middle finger and four sites of the ear using reflection photoplethysmography during baseline and while performing cold and warm water immersion in ten young and six middle-aged subjects. The results showed that logarithmically-transformed NPV (lnNPV) during cold water immersion as compared with baseline values was significantly lower, only at the index finger, the middle finger and the bottom of the ear-canal. Furthermore, lnNPV reactivities (ΔlnNPV; the difference between baseline and test values) from an index finger were significantly related to ΔlnNPV from the middle finger and the bottom of the ear-canal (young: r = 0.90 and 0.62, middle-aged: r = 0.80 and 0.58, respectively). In conclusion, these findings show that reflection and transmission photoplethysmography are comparable methods to derive NPV in accordance with our theoretical prediction. NPV derived from the bottom of the ear-canal is a valid approach, which could be useful for evaluating daily life stress. 著者Contact先の email: kenta16moon@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
Authors: Kenta Matsumura & Takehiro Yamakoshi Title: iPhysioMeter: A new approach for measuring heart rate and normalized pulse volume using only a smartphone Journal(書誌情報): Behavior Research Methods, 45(4), 1272-1278, 2013 doi: 10.3758/s13428-012-0312-z 論文URL: http://link.springer.com/article/10.3758%2Fs13428-012-0312-z Abstract: Heart rate (HR) and normalized pulse volume (NPV) are physiological indices that have been used in a diversity of psychological studies. However, measuring these indices often requires laborious processes. We therefore developed a new smartphone program, named iPhysioMeter, that makes it possible to measure beat-by-beat HR and ln NPV using only a smartphone. We examined its accuracy against conventional laboratory measures. Mental stress tasks were used to alter HR and ln NPV in 12 participants. Bland-Altman analyses revealed negligible proportional bias for HR and ln NPV or for their change values, expressed as ΔHR and Δln NPV. However, a relatively large fixed bias did emerge for ln NPV, as well as a small one for Δln NPV, although both were within the limits of agreement. These findings suggest that iPhysioMeter can yield valid measures of the absolute level of HR and of relative changes in ln NPV. 著者Contact先の email: kenta16moon@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
Authors: Ashitaka, Y., & Shimada, H. Title:The Cultural Background of the Nonacademic Concept of Psychology in Japan: Its Implications for Introductory Education in Psychology Journal:International Journal of Psychology doi: 10.1002/ijop.12021 論文URL:http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/pijp20/current#.UsKCfLQ380M Abstract: No research has empirically explored the non-academic concept of psychology itself (implicit theories) in non- Western cultures despite a widely held belief that this understanding differs cross-culturally. This study examined whether the non-academic concept of psychology among inexperienced Japanese students differed from the concept held by students of other countries. In Japanese, psychology is referred to as , which includes the ideographic character , literally meaning heart. This fact led us to hypothesize that psychology will be disproportionately associated with emotion among Japanese students. Indeed, our findings among Japanese students produced a J-curve, indicating that our prediction was true. We posit that this issue has never been discussed in Japan because a majority of people share this concept of psychology. In our second study, we examined not only preference in students' association of intelligence or emotion but also heart or mind with psychology. Finally, we identified whether students' believe that psychology encompasses both the heart and the mind. We conclude with a discussion of the importance of explicitly defining the non-academic concept of psychology in early psychology education in Japan. 著者Contact先の email:shimada@maritime.kobe-u.ac.jp 日本語によるコメント この研究は「心理学」の非アカデミックな概念が他の国々との違いを問題にして います。国際比較をすると感情に大きくシフトし、J曲線を描きました。さらに心 理学が本来mindのみを対象とするのに対して、heartも扱うとする学生が9割いま した。マインドというカタカナを使って心理学を導入することが有用だろうと論 じています。著者の芦高勇気は博士課程の学生で、非常勤講師をしています。 なお、オープンアクセス権を取りましたので、まだin pressですが、近々神戸大 学のリポジトリまたは研究室サイトでオープンします。 嶋田博行 神戸大学 shimada@maritime.kobe-u.ac.jp