7 国際: 2013年11月アーカイブ
Authors: Morishima, Y. (森島泰則) Title: Allocation of Limited Cognitive Resources During Text Comprehension in a Second Language Journal: Discourse Processes doi: 10.1080/0163853X.2013.846964 論文URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0163853X.2013.846964#.UpdHGqVtzfY Abstract: For native (L1) comprehenders, lower-level language processes such as lexical access and parsing are considered to consume few cognitive resources. In contrast, these processes pose considerable demands for second-language (L2) comprehenders. Two reading-time experiments employing inconsistency detection found that English learners did not detect an inconsistency unless contradicting parts were adjacent. This suggests that the text memory that L2 comprehenders can access online is an immediately preceding sentence. This makes a sharp contrast with the finding of previous research that L1 comprehenders appeared to retrieve an earlier portion that was several sentences away. A third experiment with probe verification suggested that L2 participants did not reactivate prior text information when reading the contradicting sentence following an intervening sentence. These results provide evidence for the limited resource allocation for discourse-level processes in L2 comprehension. The results are discussed based on the two-stage model that consists of the resonance and integration processes. 著者Contact先の email: morishima@icu.ac.jp
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Authors:Kristy M. Snyder & Yuki Ashitaka & Hiroyuki Shimada & Jana E. Ulrich & Gordon D. Logan Title:What skilled typists don't know about the QWERTY keyboard Attention, Perception, & Pscyhophysics Journal(書誌情報):Attention, Perception, & Pscyhophysics doi:10.3758/s13414-013-0548-4 online first 論文URL:http://www.springer.com/psychology/cognitive+psychology/journal/13414 Abstract:We conducted four experiments to investigate skilled typists' explicit knowledge of the locations of keys on the QWERTY keyboard, with three procedures: free recall (Exp.1), cued recall (Exp.2), and recognition (Exp.3). We found that skilled typists' explicit knowledge of key locations is incomplete and inaccurate. The findings are consistent with theories of skilled performance and automaticity that associate implicit knowledge with skilled performance and explicit knowledge with novice performance. In Experiment4, we investigated whether novice typists acquire more complete explicit knowledge of key locations when learning to touchtype. We had skilled QWERTY typists complete a Dvorak touch-typing tutorial. We then tested their explicit knowledge of the Dvorak andQWERTY key locations with the free recall task.We found no difference in explicit knowledge of the two keyboards, suggesting that typists know little about key locations on the keyboard, whether they are exposed to the keyboard for 2 h or 12 years. 著者Contact先の email:shimada@maritime.kobe-u.ac.jp 日本語によるコメント(オプション,200-300字で) タイピング活動は重要な言語活動であり、コントロール機能について盛んに 研究されています。この論文はVanderbilt大学のG. D. Loganと行った研究に よります。タッチタイピングができる熟練したタイピストでも顕在的記憶が 乏しいことをQWERTYキーボードについて3つの実験を行い、自由再生、手がか り再生、再認で調べました。またもう一つの実験で新しいキーボード (DVORAKキー) を学習させることによって調べましたた。その結果、顕在的記 憶は2つのキーボードで2時間の学習と12年の学習に違いがないことが示唆さ れました。 神戸大学海事科学研究科教授 嶋田博行 shimada@maritime.kobe-u.ac.jp