Authors: Tomoya Kawashima, Takashi Kabata

Title: Time course of attentional guidance by visual and verbal working memory representations

Journal: Journal of Cognitive Psychology



Abstract: Visual and verbal representations in working memory guide visual attention to a memory-matching item. It is well documented that visual cues have an advantage in target detection over verbal cues; however, little research has explored the differences in visual search processes and between attentional guidance by visual and verbal working memory. To address this issue, here we investigated the time course of attentional guidance through visual and verbal representations by comparing the inhibition of return effects. Previous research shows that both types of working memory items produce early facilitation effects and later inhibition effects, but there are lesser facilitation effects for verbal than for visual working memory guidance of attention. Results showed that in all conditions, attention was guided by memory representations, but no inhibition of return was observed. Thus, the robustness of previous findings on the time course of attentional guidance by working memory is low.

著者Contact先の email:
川島朋也(金沢工業大学 情報フロンティア学部 心理科学科)
kawashima-t [at][at]を@に変更してください)

takashi.kabata [at][at]を@に変更してください)

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