Authors: Tomoya Kawashima, Honoka Shiratori, Kaoru Amano

Title: The relationship between alpha power and heart rate variability commonly seen in various mental states

Journal: Plos One



Abstract: The extensive exploration of the correlation between electroencephalogram (EEG) and heart rate variability (HRV) has yielded inconsistent outcomes, largely attributable to variations in the tasks employed in the studies. The direct relationship between EEG and HRV is further complicated by alpha power, which is susceptible to influences such as mental fatigue and sleepiness. This research endeavors to examine the brain-heart interplay typically observed during periods of music listening and rest. In an effort to mitigate the indirect effects of mental states on alpha power, subjective fatigue and sleepiness were measured during rest, while emotional valence and arousal were evaluated during music listening. Partial correlation analyses unveiled positive associations between occipital alpha2 power (10–12 Hz) and nHF, an indicator of parasympathetic activity, under both music and rest conditions. These findings underscore brain-heart interactions that persist even after the effects of other variables have been accounted for.

著者Contact先の email:
川島朋也(金沢工業大学 情報フロンティア学部 心理科学科)
kawashima-t [at][at]を@に変更してください)

 脳波のアルファ波と心拍変動(HRV)について、さまざまな実験でさまざまな関係性が報告されています。本研究では、アルファ波とHRVの関係性を、安静時と音楽聴取時の異なる2つの精神状態で調べました。眠気などの主観的評定値を考慮に入れた分析の結果、両方の精神状態で後頭アルファ2成分(10–12 Hz)のパワーとnHF成分(normalized HF:副交感神経活動の指標)とのあいだに正の相関関係が認められました。