・Authors:Hepper, E. G., Sedikides, C., Wildschut, T., Cheung, W. Y., Abakoumkin, G., Arikan, G., Aveyard, M.,Baldursson, E. B., Bialobrzeska, O., Bouamama, S., Bouzaouech, I., Brambilla, M., Burger, A. M., Chen, S.X., Cisek, S., Demassosso, D., Estevan-Reina, L., González Gutiérrez, R., Gu, L., Guerra, R., Hansen, N.,Kamble, S., Kusumi, T.(楠見孝), Mangelinckx, C., Nourkova, V. V., Pinna, É., Rantasila, A., Ritchie, T. D., Salikhova,A. B., Stephan, E., Sterian, M., Tong, Y.-y., Van Even, S., Viana, N. J. Q., Vingerhoets, A., von Hippel, C.,Zatsepin, A. S., & Zengel, B.
・Title:Pancultural nostalgia in action: Prevalence, triggers, and psychological functions of nostalgia across cultures.
・Journal(書誌情報):Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
・Abstract:Nostalgia is a social, self-relevant, and bittersweet (although mostly positive) emotion that arises when reflecting on fond past memories and serves key psychological functions. The majority of evidence concerning the prevalence, triggers, and functions of nostalgia has been amassed in samples from a handful of largely Western cultures. If nostalgia is a fundamental psychological resource, it should perform similar functions across cultures, although its operational dynamics may be shaped by culture. This study (N = 2,606) examined dispositional nostalgia, self-reported triggers of nostalgia, and functions of experimentally induced nostalgia in young adults across 28 countries and a special administrative region of China (i.e., Hong Kong). Results indicated that nostalgia is frequently experienced across cultures, albeit better valued in more-developed countries (i.e., higher national wealth and life-expectancy). Nostalgia is triggered by psychological threats (especially in warmer countries), sensory stimuli (especially in more-developed countries), and social gatherings (especially in less-developed countries). The positive or negative affect prompted by experimentally induced nostalgia varied by country, but was mild overall. More importantly, recalling a nostalgic (vs. ordinary) memory increased social connectedness, self-continuity, and meaning in life across cultures. In less-developed countries, recalling an ordinary memory also conferred some of these functions, reducing the effect size of nostalgia. Finally, recalling a nostalgic (vs. ordinary) memory augmented state satisfaction with life in countries with lower quality of living (i.e., lower life-expectancy and life-satisfaction). Overall, findings confirm the relevance of nostalgia across a wide range of cultures and indicate cultural nuances in its functioning.
・著者Contact先の email: kusumi.takashi.7u[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp ([at]を@に変えてください。)
・日本語によるコメント:昔に何度も接した音楽、商品、友人は、懐かしきを引き起こします。本研究は、38名の国際研究グループが、こうした懐かしさが幅広い文化圏で共通の経験であることを,5 大陸 28 カ国・地域のデータから明らかにしたものです。私は日本での実験を担当しました。なつかしさを経験することは、多くの文化圏において短期的に心理的な良い効果をもたらします。それはその国の発展レベルや生活の質によって、顕著であったり、そうでなかったりしました。論文の詳細は下記で紹介しています。