・Authors: Ueda, Y., Huang, T.-R., Shen, Z., Sakata, C., Yeh, S.-L., & Saito, S.

・Title: Sequential processing facilitates Hebb repetition learning in visuospatial domains

・Journal(書誌情報): Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

・doi: 10.1037/xge0001406

・論文URL: https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2023-79588-001.html

Exposure to the same information improves auditory/verbal short-term memory performance, but such improvement is not always observed in visual short-term memory. In this study, we demonstrate that sequential processing makes visuospatial repetition learning efficient in a paradigm that employs a similar design previously used for an auditory/verbal domain. When we presented sets of color patches simultaneously in Experiments 1–4, recall accuracy did not increase with repetition; however, once color patches were presented sequentially in Experiment 5, accuracy did increase rapidly with repetition, even when participants engaged in articulatory suppression. Moreover, these learning dynamics matched those in Experiment 6, which used verbal materials. These findings suggest that (a) sequential focus on each item facilitates a repetition learning effect, indicating a temporal bottleneck is involved early in this process and (b) repetition learning is mechanistically similar across sensory modalities even though these modalities differently specialize in processing spatial or temporal information.

・著者Contact先の email: ueda.yoshiyuki.3e[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp([at]を@に変えてください。)

同じ情報に何度も接すると、言語的短期記憶の成績は向上するが、視覚的短期記憶ではこの向上が必ずしも見られないことが知られている。本研究では、逐次処理が反復学習による短期記憶の向上に関与していることを実証し、2つのモダリティ間での現象の乖離を説明した。6つの実験の結果は、(a) 反復学習効果を得るには各アイテムを逐次処理する必要があり、反復学習による短期記憶向上プロセスに時間的ボトルネックが存在していること、(b) 反復学習効果はモダリティ間で同程度に見られ、反復学習による短期記憶向上にはモダリティを超えた類似したメカニズムがあること、を示唆している。