この度は高齢者心理学・モチベーション科学で著名なAlexandra M. Freund先生(University of Zurich)をお招きして、講演会を企画しました。
ご講演では、「Aging Well」と題して、まず「Aging Well」という概念にまつわる研究・取り組みを広く概観していただきます。その後、加齢に伴うさまざまな資源の変容・喪失に対してどのように向き合うのかという問いに対して、動機づけの観点からのご自身の研究を中心にご紹介いただきます。
Aging Well: The Role of Motivation
This talk will start with some general considerations about the term “aging well” (or successful, healthy, positive aging). One of the most striking changes that occur across the lifespan is the decrease of developmental gains and the increase of losses in various domains of life. How can people manage this change in a way that allows them to “age well”? Taking a motivational perspective, I will first address the question if older adults also expect and experience losses in how much energy they have available to pursue the goals that are important to them. I will then present some studies showing that adults adapt their goals to the gains and losses they experience. Importantly, the orientation of goals towards gains, maintenance, and the avoidance of losses is differentially related to how persistently people of different ages pursue their goals, and to their subjective well-being. Taken together, this research shows that aging well is related to adjustments of goals to developmental changes to gains and losses.
共催:JSPS科研費学術変革領域研究(A)「生涯学」(JP20H05800, JP21H05329)