フランスのTours大学からVéronique Salvano-Pardieu博士をお迎えし、
大阪市立大学杉本キャンパス内です。 https://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/ja/about/university/access (1号館は1番、文学部増築棟は5番の建物です) OCU International Psychology Seminar Series 2018 : Welcoming
Dr. Véronique Salvano-Pardieu 記 7月9日 16:20~17:50 1号館3F 135 Ai Uemiya (Ritsumeikwan University) The role of "facts", "beliefs" and "contexts" in children’s
conceptual understanding of lies. 7月10日 16:20~17:50 1号館3F 133 Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City University) Cultural differences between the West and the East. 7月17日 16:20~17:50 1号館3F 133 Megumi Yama (Kyoto Gakuen University) Japanese psyche: Japanese myth Kojiki and traditional art. 7月18日 16:20~17:50 1号館3F 135 Hiroko Nakamura (Aichi Shukutoku University) Cultural differences in conditional inference: The influence
of analytic versus holistic thinking. 7月25日 15:30~17:40 文学部増築棟3F L355 15:30~16:00 Yuri Taniguchi (Osaka City University) How does psychological distance from a crime case affect
a guilty judgment? : Causal relationship between implicit
and explicit inference. 16:10~17:40 Véronique Salvano-Pardieu (The University of Tours) Judgement of blame in children and adolescents with
intellectual disability, and in adolescents with
autism spectrum disorders.  連絡先 大阪市立大学 山 祐嗣 yama.hiroshi1204[at]gmail.com([at] を@に置き換えてください) 06-6605-2377