Authors: Shin-ichi ASakawa
Title: Re-Evaluation of Attractor Neural Network Model to Explain Double
Dissociation in Semantic Memory Disorder
Journal(書誌情報): Psychology, ISSN Print: 2152-7180, ISSN Online:
doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.43A053

Structure of semantic memory was investigated in the way of neural
network simulations in detail. In the literature, it is well-known that
brain damaged patients often showed category specific disorder in
various cognitive neuropsychological tasks like picture naming,
categorisation, identification tasks and so on. In order to describe
semantic memory disorder of brain damaged patients, the attractor neural
network model originally proposed Hinton and Shallice (1991) was
employed and was tried to re-evaluate the model performance. Especially,
in order to answer the question about organization of semantic memory,
how our semantic memories are organized, computer simulations were
conducted. After the model learned data set (Tyler, Moss,
Durrant-Peatfield, & Levy, 2000), units in hidden and cleanup layers
were removed and observed its performances. The results showed category
specificity. This model could also explain the double dissociation
phenomena. In spite of the simplicity of its architecture, the attractor
neural network might be considered to mimic human behavior in the
meaning of semantic memory organization and its disorder. Although this
model could explain various phenomenon in cognitive neuropsychology, it
might become obvious that this model had one limitation to explain human
behavior. As far as investigation in this study, asymmetry in category
specificity between animate and inanimate objects might not be explained
on this model without any additional assumptions. Therefore, further
studies must be required to improve our understanding for semantic
memory organisation.
著者Contact先の email: asakawa@ieee.rog
