Authors: Kondo, H.M., van Loon, A.M., Kawahara, J.-I., & Moore, B.C.J.

Title: Auditory and visual scene analysis: an overview

Journal (書誌情報): Phil Trans R Soc B, 372, 20160099

doi: 10.1098/rstb.2016.0099


Abstract: We perceive the world as stable and composed of discrete objects even though auditory and visual inputs are often ambiguous owing to spatial and temporal occluders and changes in the conditions of observation. This raises important questions regarding where and how ‘scene analysis’ is performed in the brain. Recent advances from both auditory and visual research suggest that the brain does not simply process the incoming scene properties. Rather, top-down processes such as attention, expectations and prior knowledge facilitate scene perception. Thus, scene analysis is linked not only with the extraction of stimulus features and formation and selection of perceptual objects, but also with selective attention, perceptual binding and awareness. This special issue covers novel advances in scene-analysis research obtained using a combination of psychophysics, computational modelling, neuroimaging and neurophysiology, and presents new empirical and theoretical approaches. For integrative understanding of scene analysis beyond and across sensory modalities, we provide a collection of 15 articles that enable comparison and integration of recent findings in auditory and visual scene analysis.

著者Contact先のemail: kondo.hirohito[at][at]を@に置き換えてください)



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