Authors: Ryoma Yamada, & Yukio Itsukushima
Title: The effects of schema on recognition memories and subjective experiences for actions and objects
Journal(書誌情報): Japanese Psychological Research, Volume 55, Issue 4,
pages 366-377, October 2013
doi: 10.1111/jpr.12016

We examined how the schema affects recognition memories and subjective experiences for actions and objects. First, participants watched consecutive slides that described a man in the kitchen. In the slides, the man performed schema-consistent actions and schema-inconsistent actions, and schema-consistent objects and schema-inconsistent objects were left in the kitchen space. After watching the slides, participants completed a recognition test, a remember/know test, and a Perception/Thought/Emotion/Context questionnaire. For objects, the discrimination between targets and distracters was more accurate for schema-inconsistent items than for schema-consistent items, owing to perceptual, thought, and emotional recollections for schema-inconsistent object targets. For actions, schema-consistent targets were more frequently recognized than schema-inconsistent targets, with more remember judgments based on perceptual and contextual recollections. While
 item-specific information of schema-inconsistent targets could be elaborated for objects, the perceptual details and the contextual relationship of schema-consistent targets could be elaborated for actions. We also found less false recognitions for schema-consistent action distracters than for schema-consistent object distracters. The retrieval of the perceptual details of schema-consistent action targets could prevent false recognitions for schema-consistent action distracters.
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日本語によるコメント: 日常的な場所において,スキーマが再認記憶と想起意識に及ぼす影響を,行為と物品で比較検討した。行為と物品ともに,その場所のスキーマに一致するターゲットと一致しないターゲットを画像で提示した。結果,物品ではスキーマ不一致ターゲットの方が再認されたのに対し,行為ではスキーマ一致ターゲットの方が再認された。どのような場面かを把握するために,スキーマ不一致行為ターゲットの精緻化が抑制されたと考えられる。スキーマ一致妨害刺激に対する虚再認が物品よりも行為で生じなかったのも,スキーマ一致行為ターゲットが精緻化されたために虚再認が生じにくかったことが原因と考えられる。