京都大学教育学研究科の石黒と申します。Klaus Oberauer先生の講演会についてご連絡いたします。

チューリッヒ大学教授、Klaus Oberauer先生の講演会を開催いたします。

今回のご講演では、The Theory Crisis in Psychologyという題目で、心理学における再現性危機の背後にある心理学理論の問題について、シミュレーションの結果も踏まえて論じていただきます。再現性危機への対処として、現在盛んに行われるようになってきた事前登録等のオープンプラクティスの意味についても再考するよい機会になるものと期待されます。



Klaus Oberauer教授講演会
The Theory Crisis in Psychology

講演者:Klaus Oberauer, University of Zurich
日時:2022年8月24日(水) 10:00-11:30

講演題目:The Theory Crisis in Psychology

講演要旨:Many psychological findings have turned out to not be replicable. Most authors addressing this “replication crisis” have focused on fixing problems with our methods of data collection, analysis, and reporting. I argue that a further cause of poor replicability is the weak logical link between theories and their empirical tests. Often, our theories do not strongly imply hypotheses by which they can be tested, but rather define a wide search space for the discovery of effects that would support them. Failures to find these effects do not question the theory; instead, we blame them on auxiliary assumptions. This endeavor necessarily engenders a high risk of Type-I errors, that is, publication of findings that will not replicate. To overcome this problem, we need to work towards theories that strongly imply hypotheses, such that disconfirmation of the hypothesis provides evidence against the theory. Such research engenders a smaller risk of Type-I errors. A strong link between theories and hypotheses is best achieved by formalizing theories as computational models. I will critically revisit recommendations for addressing the “replication crisis”, including the proposal to distinguish exploratory from confirmatory research, and the preregistration of hypotheses and analysis plans.

世話人:石黒 翔(京都大学大学院教育学研究科)
    西山 慧(京都大学人と社会の未来研究院)
    齊藤 智(京都大学大学院教育学研究科)