Authors: Tanaka, T., Matsumoto, T., Hayashi, S., Takagi, S., & Kawabata, H. (田中拓海・松本拓也・林慎太郎・高木志郎・川畑秀明)
Title: What Makes Action and Outcome Temporally Close to Each Other: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Temporal Binding.
Journal(書誌情報): Timing & Time Perception
Abstract: Temporal binding refers to the subjective compression of the temporal interval between a voluntary action and its external sensory consequences. While empirical evidence and theoretical accounts have indicated the potential linkage between temporal binding and action outcome prediction mechanisms, several questions regarding the underlying processes and the fundamental nature of temporal binding remain unanswered. Based on the sophisticated classification of predictive processes proposed by Hughes et al. (2013), we conducted a systematic, quantitative review of the binding effect as measured with two representative procedures, i.e., Libet clock procedure and interval estimation procedure. Although both procedures were designed to measure the same phenomenon, we revealed a larger effect size and higher sensitivity to perceptual moderators in binding observed with the clock procedure than with the interval estimation. Moreover, in the former, we observed different characteristics for the two perceptual shifts that comprise temporal binding. Action shifts depended more on whether one can control outcome onsets with voluntary actions. In contrast, outcome shifts depended more on the degree to which participants could predict, rather than control, the action outcome onset. These results indicate that action shift occurs based on the activation of learned action–outcome associations by planning and executing actions, while outcome shift occurs based on comparing predicted and observed outcomes. By understanding the nature of each experimental procedure and each shift, future research can use optimal methods depending on the goal. We discuss, as an example, the implications for the underlying disorders of agency in schizophrenia.
著者Contact先の email: kino31513 [at][at] を@に置き換えてください)
運動を実行してからその結果が知覚されるまでの時間は、通常よりも短く感じられる。この現象はIntentional Binding(IB) と呼ばれ、自己主体感の間接指標として注目されている。一方、その妥当性を疑問視する報告もあり、知覚現象としての基礎的な特性も多くは分かっていない。著者らは様々な実験状況で観察されたIBのメタ分析を行い、IBにおける「運動が結果に近づいて感じる」効果と「結果が運動に近づいて感じる」効果が異なる要因に依存していることを明らかにした。この結果は、単一の知覚現象とされてきたIBが、独立の基盤をもつ2つの現象から成立することを示唆する。IBを指標とした研究における一貫性の欠如の一部がこれによって説明できるかもしれない。
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- IntJnlPaper