
 立命館大学食総合研究センターは、びわこ・くさつキャンパスに食の多感覚知覚の第一人者であるチャールズスペンス先生をお招きして講演会を行います。ご興味のある方はぜひいらしてください。 申込みは不要です。何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。

●会場:立命館大学びわこ・くさつキャンパスコラーニングハウスI C204
10:30 開場
10:50 開会挨拶
10:55 スペンス先生紹介(立命館大学・吉賀心理学研究所 北川智利:日本語)
11:05 スペンス先生ご講演
    Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating
11:55 講評(立命館大学,吉賀心理学研究所 北川智利:日本語)
12:05 質疑応答
12:10 閉会の挨拶

Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating

Charles Spence
Crossmodal Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford

“Once at least in the life of every human, whether he be brute or trembling daffodil, comes a moment of complete gastronomic satisfaction.
It is, I am sure, as much a matter of spirit as of body. Everything is right; nothing jars. There is a kind of harmony, with every sensation and emotion melted into one chord of well-being.” (Fisher 2005, p. 325).

What is the perfect meal? We can probably all think of at least one especially memorable dinner that we have had. For some, it might be something as simple as a picnic in a summer meadow or else fish and chips by the seaside (while listening, of course, to the sounds of the sea). For others, the gastro-tourists, it will be that once in a lifetime trip to one of the world’s top Michelin-starred restaurants. Wherever it was, though, what made it so special wasn’t just the food (Spence & Piqueras-Fiszman, 2014). Of course, the food matters: It is, after all, one of the most multisensory of our experiences (Spence, 2015), one where if even a single sensory element is wrong, something is served cold that was supposed to be hot, then the whole experience will be ruined. In this talk, though, I want to argue that what makes for a great eating experience depends far more on ‘the everything else’ that surrounds the meal than we realize: It depends on everything from the mood we are in through to the company we keep, and from the environment in which we choose to eat and drink through to the plating, plateware, and cutlery. I will review the emerging body of research from the new field of gastrophysics that is helping to isolate just how important these various product-extrinsic factors are to our perception and enjoyment of food (Spence, 2017). Some of the most exciting recent examples of the dynamic interplay between chefs, designers, and sensory scientists that is giving rise to exciting new immersive, experiential, (possibly experimental), and most definitely multisensory, dining experiences will also be highlighted. Finally, I will show how the search for the perfect meal can lead to interventions that may potentially help (in some small way) to tackle the growing obesity crisis, not to mention providing some intriguing ideas about how to get us all to shift to a rather more sustainable (possibly insect-based) diet in the decades ahead.

Fisher, M. F. K. (2005). The pale yellow glove. In C. Korsmeyer (Ed.), The taste culture reader: Experiencing food and drink (pp. 325-329). Oxford: Berg.
Spence, C. (2015). Multisensory flavour perception. Cell, 161, 24-35.
Spence, C. (2017). Gastrophysics: The new science of eating. London, UK: Penguin.
Spence, C., & Piqueras-Fiszman, B. (2014). The perfect meal: The multisensory science of food and dining. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

*1 本講演はJSPS『課題設定による先導的人文学・社会科学研究推進事業』「「嗜好品」とは何か?-嗜好品に関する学際的研究と文献データベース構築を通して」の活動として実施します。

*2 自然災害等が発生した場合は中止する可能性もあります。