Authors: Ayumi Kambara
Title: Effects of Experiencing Visual Illusions and Susceptibility to Biases in One’s Social Judgments
Journal(書誌情報):Perceptual and Motor Skills, SAGE Open
doi: 10.1177/2158244017745937
Abstract:Despite the evidence for existing biases in social judgment, people often fail to recognize biases in their own social judgments.
This study investigated whether people become aware of their own susceptibility to various biases by experiencing visual illusions that challenge confidence in personal perceptions. A total of 88 participants were grouped by whether or not they gazed at illusory motion graphics and by whether they rated themselves or others on bias susceptibility. Participants who gazed at visual illusions rated themselves as having more biases in their social judgments than participants who did not see visual illusions. These findings suggest that bias denial may partially result from insufficient opportunities to recognize inaccuracies in personal perceptions.
著者Contact先の email: ayumi.kanbara[at] ([at] を@に置き換えてください)
- 投稿タグ
- IntJnlPaper