Authors: Matsuo, K. & Itoh, Y.

Title: Effects of emotional testimony and gruesome photographs on mock
jurors’ decisions and negative emotions

Journal(書誌情報): Psychiatry, Psychology and Law


Abstract: The present study investigated the combined and individual
effects of emotional testimony and gruesome photographs on mock
jurors’ verdict decisions and emotions. Participants (*n* = 127) were
provided with a murder trial transcript and then rendered verdicts in
a 2 (emotional testimony: present, absent) × 2 (gruesome photographs:
present, absent) between-groups design. They also rated their negative
emotions before and after the transcript. The results indicated a
combined effect of emotional testimony and gruesome photographs on
verdict decisions: the emotional testimony alone had a significant
effect on guilty verdicts while the gruesome photographs had only a
marginally significant effect. Negative emotions were aroused by the
emotional testimony when the gruesome photographs were not presented.
The impact of emotional evidence on verdict decisions is discussed.

著者Contact先の email: kayomatsuo55[at]