
 今回は,3名の発表者に加え,トリノ大学のAldo Nemesio先生にご講演頂ける

ています。また,昨年行われましたIGEL 2014のvice-presidentとして,会議を
「Empirical research, literature and film」というタイトルにて,物語理解
における登場人物の特性の推論,および動画 (film) の視聴形態についてのご研



  電気通信大学 猪原敬介
  E-mail: kei.inohara[at]gmail.com([at]を@に変えて送信してください。)



・ 日時:2015年4月25日(土)13:30~17:00

・ 場所:法政大学 ボアソナードタワー11階 BT1100番教室(下記会場

・ 事前登録:人数把握のため事前に下記問い合わせ先までご連絡をお願い致し

・ プログラム




The effect of reading aloud with appropriate emotions on readers’ feeling

The present study addresses whether we feel better when we read aloud
the positive story with appropriate emotions than reading aloud without
them.  The participants were university students in our sequence of
experiments.  To reveal characteristics of reading aloud with
appropriate emotions, participants rated their impression of reading
with and without appropriate emotions in Experiment 1.  The results
indicated that reading aloud with appropriate emotions had the following
four features: appropriate intonation, appropriate stress, using a tone
of voice that suited the feeling of protagonists in the story, and clear
vocalization.  Meanwhile, reading aloud without appropriate emotions had
only the feature of clear vocalization.  In Experiment 2, we
hypothesized that only the reading with appropriate emotions promoted
the reader to the same feeling as expressed by the story.  This is
because the reader needs to deeply understand the content of the story
and the protagonists’ feeling in order to read aloud with appropriate
emotions.  We had participants read a positive story in two ways, read
aloud with appropriate emotions or without them, and rate their
emotional state both before and after reading in each condition.  The
results of a 2×2 within-subjects ANOVA (manner of reading x period of
test) revealed that only after participants read aloud the positive
story with appropriate emotions, they felt better.  We argue that this
is because the manner of reading aloud with appropriate emotions is a
kind of cue to get the reader emotionally involved with stories and


A Factor to Influence Process of Anime Comprehension

In this study, I examined a factor have influenced Anime comprehension
using framework of event-indexing model. The participants were
university students in this experiment. Anime movie separated per one
cut. When one cut of anime movie stopped playing, the participants
pushed space key to watch next cut. The time from movie stopped playing
to participants pushed key were measured as reaction time. The result of
multiple regression analysis revealed that change of the four
situational dimensions (space, character, goal, and cause) had an effect
on increase of reaction time. In addition, end of background music
influenced increase of reaction time. There are much of end of
background music in end of an event. In brief, in Anime comprehension,
not only change of situational dimensions but also end of background
music are update cue of situational model. In future study, I need to
investigate that characteristic of film ? for example, background music
effect, film’s rhetoric ? have influenced Anime comprehension.


Does the emotion Stroop effect occur using onomatopoeia?

In the study of onomatopoeia, there is considerable research that
employs images designed to elicit conscious processing in participants.
However, there are few studies examining automatic processing of
onomatopoeia. Therefore, in the present study, we employed a specially
designed emotional Stroop task to test automatic processing of
onomatopoeia stimuli. We tested 27 adult participants using this color
naming task. Results showed a significant delay in the reaction time for
negative onomatopoeia. This suggests that interpretation of the
onomatopoeia image was not only the result of conscious processing but
that of automatic processing. In addition, the emotional Stroop effect
reported in our study did not show an anxiety-dependent delay as
reported in preceding studies. Therefore, the emotional aspect of
onomatopoeia (brought about by automatic processing) is not influenced
by anxiety states.


Aldo Nemesio先生(トリノ大学)

Empirical research, literature and film

Two research works will be presented.

The first one concerns the perception of characters in narrative texts.
When we read the description
of a character, we receive explicit
information and construct a semantic representation of his/her aspect
and personality. This constructive process also involves inferential
processes based on the elaboration of explicit information. In this
project, the first introduction of characters in four novels was
examined. Readers tended to concretize traits that were not explicitly
stated in the text, but were based on their inferences and world
knowledge. This tendency was quite pervasive among readers, regardless
of gender, academic education and interest in the text read: such
constructive process seems to be intrinsic to the act of reading itself.

The second research work concerns film viewing. Book reading has shifted
from a form of socialization, when books were commonly read aloud, to
forms of solitary reading. It is possible that at the beginning of the
third millennium we are witnessing a similar evolution in the use of
films, related to the availability of technologies that make
personalized film watching possible, in a way that is similar to reading
a book. Empirical data were collected, concerning possible changes in
contemporary film watching practices.


・ 研究会参加費:無料
・ 懇親会参加費:実費あるいは会費制



