Authors:Ayako Saneyoshi & Chikashi Michimata

Title:Categorical and coordinate processing in object recognition depends
on different spatial frequencies

Journal(書誌情報):Cognitive Processing, September 2014

Abstract:Previous studies have suggested that processing categorical
spatial relations requires high spatial frequency (HSF) information, while
coordinate spatial relations require low spatial frequency (LSF)
information. The aim of the present study was to determine whether spatial
frequency influences categorical and coordinate processing in object
recognition. Participants performed two object-matching tasks for novel,
non-nameable objects consisting of “geons” (c.f. Brain Cogn 71:181?186,
2009). For each original stimulus, categorical and coordinate
transformations were applied to create comparison stimuli. These stimuli
were high-pass/low-cut-filtered or low-pass/high-cut-filtered by a filter
with a 2D Gaussian envelope. The categorical task consisted of the original
and categorical-transformed objects. The coordinate task consisted of the
original and coordinate-transformed objects. The non-filtered object image
was presented on a CRT monitor, followed by a comparison object
(non-filtered, high-pass-filtered, and low-pass-filtered stimuli). The
results showed that the removal of HSF information from the object image
produced longer reaction times (RTs) in the categorical task, while removal
of LSF information produced longer RTs in the coordinate task. These
results support spatial frequency processing theory, specifically Kosslyn’s
hypothesis and the double filtering frequency model.

著者Contact先の email:a-sane[at]