Authors: Ashitaka, Y., & Shimada, H.
Title:Acquisition process of typing skill using hierarchical materials in the Japanese language.  <>
Journal(書誌情報):Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics <>, Online First
doi: DOI: 10.3758/s13414-014-0693-4

In the present study, using a new keyboard layout
with only eight keys, we conducted typing training for un-
skilled typists. In this task, Japanese college students received
training in typing words consisting of a pair of hiragana
characters with four keystrokes, using the alphabetic input
method, while keeping the association between the keys and
typists’finger movements; the task was constructed so that
chunking was readily available. We manipulated the associa-
tion between the hiragana characters and alphabet letters
(hierarchical materials: overlapped and nonoverlapped map-
pings). Our alphabet letter materials corresponded to the reg-
ular order within each hiragana word (within the four letters,
the first and third referred to consonants, and the second and
fourth referred to vowels). Only the interkeystroke intervals
involved in the initiation of typing vowel letters showed an
overlapping effect, which revealed that the effect was mark-
edly large only during the early period of skill development
(the effect for the overlapped mapping being larger than that
for the nonoverlapped mapping), but that it had diminished by
the time of late training. Conversely, the response time and the
third interkeystroke interval, which are both involved in the
latency of typing a consonant letter, did not reveal an overlap-
ped effect, suggesting that chunking might be useful with
hiragana characters rather than hiragana words. These results
are discussed in terms of the fan effect and skill acquisition.
Furthermore, we discuss whether there is a need for further research on
unskilled and skilled Japanese typists.
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る。先に書いた我々の論文で(Snyder, Ashitaka, Shimada, Ulrich, & Logan,
2014, Attention, Perception, & Phychophysics) では、2ループ (外的ルー
プ、内的ループ) 理論に沿った熟練タイピストの顕在記憶の貧しさをとらえた
たった15%しかいな い。逆にタイピング習得プロセスを調べた。その結果、ロー