・Authors: Takao Fukui(福井 隆雄), Kazuya Inoue(井上 和哉), Takehiro Komatsu(小松 丈洋), Nobuya Sato(佐藤 暢哉)

・Title: Kinematic Properties of Haptic-Free Reach-to-Grasp Movements in Virtual Reality: A Comparison with Natural Prehension in Real Spaces and Pantomimed Ones

・Journal(書誌情報): International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction

・doi: 10.1080/10447318.2024.2399874

・論文URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10447318.2024.2399874

・Abstract: Many researchers are interested in how the kinematics of reach-to-grasp movements in virtual reality (VR), which involve the vergence–accommodation conflict, differ from real space. The present study, conducted in VR, verified the effect of a discrepancy between visual and haptic target size and found that terminal haptic feedback is weighted more heavily than visual information, as is the case in real space. Furthermore, we investigated how the presence or absence of terminal haptic feedback modulates performance in VR by comparing prehension with or without terminal haptic feedback in VR, closed-loop natural grasping in real space, and pantomimed prehension with the eyes closed. Our results suggested that the contribution of a visual image to grip aperture adjustment is quite marginal in situations where terminal haptic feedback is unavailable, and that the performance in VR without haptic feedback is highly correlated with performances driven by fully internal representations (i.e., pantomimed movements).

・著者Contact先の email: takao-fukui[at]tmu.ac.jp([at]を@に変更して下さい。)
