2018年11月25日(日)に,Brian Rogers先生(Oxford University)をお招きして,「錯視に関する国際ワークショップ」を開催いたします.
Date: November 25, 2018 (Sunday) 13:00-16:00
Place: Multimedia Conference Room, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences 2F (No.3 building in the Campus map
(人文社会科学系総合研究棟2階 マルチメディア会議室)
Organized by ‘Multiperspective understanding of cognitive behavior and its application (MUCB)’ Project
主催:千葉大学リーディング研究育成プログラム 多元的認知行動解析に基づく心理特性の解明とその応用プロジェクト
13:00-13:05 Opening
Prof. Makoto Ichikawa (Chiba University)
13:05-13:40 Apparent size reduction of elements caused by expansion of arrangement size
Taiichiro Uechi & Makoto Ichikawa (Chiba University)
13:40-14:15 Comparative cognition of visual illusion: Comparisons between humans and pigeons
Tomokazu Ushitani (Chiba University)
14:15-14:50 Depth perception shown in an angle illusion and controlled by visual noise
Atsushi Osa (Yamaguchi University)
14:50-15:50 Delusions about illusions – a critique of the illusion concept
Brian Rogers (Oxford University)
15:50-15:55 Closing