Authors: Kaichi Yanaoka, Masataka Nakayama, Chris Jarrold, Satoru Saito

Title: Determining the developmental requirements for hebb repetition learning in young children: Grouping, short-term memory, and their interaction.

Journal(書誌情報): Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition



Abstract: The Hebb repetition paradigm has recently attracted attention as a measure of serial order learning, which underlies word-form learning abilities. Although children are good vocabulary learners, it is surprising that previous Hebb learning studies with young children show rather weak Hebb effects. In this study, we conducted two experiments to identify developmental factors that drive an increase of the size of the Hebb effect in young children. Motivated by evidence from adult work, we focused on an ability to group a sequence into consistent subsequences and on phonological short-term memory (STM) capacity. In Experiment 1 (N = 98), it was shown that 3- to 5-year-old children with high phonological STM capacity showed a Hebb effect, particularly in the later experimental trials. In Experiment 2 (N = 97), temporal grouping of the sequences in 2–2 subsequences further encouraged children with high phonological STM capacity to show the Hebb effect even in the earlier experimental trials and children with low STM capacity to show a trend toward a Hebb effect in the later trials. Moreover, across Experiments 1 and 2 we found robust evidence of transfer of the Hebb effect to recall of new sequences that partially overlapped in item-by-item pairings with the Hebb sequence, indicating that children use consistent grouping strategies when learning above-span Hebb sequences. These findings indicate that phonological STM, grouping consistency, and their interaction are developmental requirements for the Hebb effect to emerge

著者Contact先のemail: yanaoka.kaichi.22a[at][at] を@に置き換えてください)

日本語によるコメント: 幼児を対象に, 言語の獲得に深く関連するとされるHebb反復学習 (同じ系列が繰り返し提示されると, その系列が潜在的に学習される現象) が起こる発達メカニズムをはじめて検討しました。2つの実験を通して, Hebb反復学習の生起と短期記憶容量(数唱課題で測定)が関連すること, 再生リストを時間的にグルーピングすることのHebb反復学習の効果は短期記憶の成績が高い子どもに特に現れること, 学習の効果が見られた再生リスト (例: うま, ねこ, とら, ぱんだ) と類似した再生リスト (例: うま, ねこ, ぞう, ねずみ) の再生成績が高くなることが示されました。以上の結果をもとに, Hebb反復学習が生起する発達メカニズムについて論じました。