3 講演会: 2013年9月アーカイブ


したのでお知らせいたします。三宅先生は、ワーキングメモリ (working
memory)と実行機能 (executive function)の分野において影響力のある研究を報


日 時:2013年10月7日(月)13:30~15:00
場 所:京都大学教育学部本館1階 第一会議室

講演者:Professor Akira Miyake (University of Colorado at Boulder)
講演題目:Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity and Their
Implications for Self-Regulation
講演要旨:Although most of working memory (WM) research has focused on
purely cognitive phenomena (e.g., reasoning, reading comprehension), the
measures and theories of WM developed in cognitive psychology can
provide broad implications for various domains of psychology (e.g.,
social, personality, clinical/abnormal, health). In this presentation, I
will illustrate this latter point by discussing some current research
conducted in my laboratory that examines, from the perspective of
individual differences, the roles of WM in several socially and
educationally important self-regulatory behaviors. In particular, I plan
on describing three lines of ongoing research that examine the following
issues: (a) how a cognitive variable --- WM capacity ---- interacts with
a personality variable (optimistic vs. pessimistic explanatory style) to
influence one's ability to persevere in the face of major challenges,
(b) how WM capacity is related to procrastination and impulsivi!
 ty, and (c) how WM capacity may mediate the ability to successfully
translate one's original intensions into desired outcomes (e.g., healthy
eating). Although some of these results are preliminary, the findings
suggest that the implications of cognitive research can be quite broad
and that there are a lot of benefits to apply cognitive frameworks to
other domains of psychology and bring them into closer alignment with
various psychological phenomena and behaviors that are important in our
everyday lives.

主 催:博士課程教育リーディングプログラム「デザイン学大学院連携プログラム」
世話人:齊藤 智(京都大学大学院教育学研究科)