
ディスコース心理学研究部会では、8月4日(木)に定例研究会を開催致します(*いつもの土曜日ではなく木曜日ですのでご注意ください)。今回は,研究発表2名,特別講演1つという内容です。今回は,発表・質疑は英語で行われます(日本語でも大丈夫です)。特別講演は,スイス・フリブール大学のPascal Gygax先生です。Gygax先生は読解中の推論プロセスや文法的ジェンダーなど文章理解の幅広いトピックについてご研究されている新進気鋭の研究者です。また、最近は、コンサルタントとしても広くご活躍です。ご関心のある方はぜひお越しください。ディスコースあるいは言語研究について関心を持つ皆様と,楽しく有意義な議論ができれば幸いです。



  電気通信大学 猪原敬介

  E-mail: kei.inohara[a]gmail.com([a]を@に変えてください。)


・ 日時 8月4日(木)13:30~17:10

・ 場所 法政大学 市ヶ谷キャンパス ボアソナードタワー11階


・ プログラム


★Shiori Asami(International Christian University)


Cognitive Processes of Unheralded Pronoun Resolution: A Study with

Intermediate-level Second Language Learners


When readers encounter a pronoun, its antecedent should be identified

even in a second language (L2): otherwise they would fail to construct

a coherent discourse representation. Although pronouns usually

indicate a local connection in the text, there is an exception called

an “unheralded pronoun”. This pronoun has its antecedent in a distant

sentence. However, the common ground in the text makes it possible to

activate the antecedent. Regarding L2 reading, it is assumed that this

pronoun resolution could be a resource-consuming processing because it

requires the activation of the antecedent which is out of the

discourse focus. The current experiments revealed that the reaction

times to the antecedent word and the reading times for the unheralded

pronoun sentence differed from the patterns which was obtained from

the previous study looking at the unheralded pronoun resolution in a

first language (Greene, Gerrig, McKoon, & Ratcliff, 1994). I am going

to discuss that a lack of the cognitive resource would affect (1) the

processing speed of the unheralded pronoun and (2) the construction of

a connection between an antecedent and a categorical word which refers

to the antecedent.

★Yuki Fukuda(Hosei University)






★Pascal Gygax先生(Universite de Fribourg)


Use of non-sexist language to foster gender equality


When referring to a person’s personal, social or professional role as

scientists, travellers or managers, knowing the person’s biological

sex is not always crucial for comprehending the discourse.  Research

nevertheless suggests that readers of sentences where gender is not

specified such as “Travellers to Yokohama are requested to change

trains in Tokyo” still elaborate a mental representation of travellers

to include gender. In the presentation, I will present data in

English, French and German to show that readers tend to attribute

gender to text protagonists when referred to by role nouns and that

they often do so in ways that unnecessarily narrow their mental

representation to the relative disadvantage of one gender or the

other. Under the heading of “sexist language” this issue has been a

topic of political debate since the 1970s, especially in those

languages which have grammatical gender.











