ディスコース心理学研究部会 第19回研究会のお知らせ

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  電気通信大学 猪原敬介
  E-mail: kei.inohara[at]gmail.com ([at]を@に変えて送信してください)


・ 日時 3月5日(土)13:30~17:10
・ 場所 法政大学 市ヶ谷キャンパス ボアソナードタワー11階 
・ プログラム

 研究発表会(1人25分。5名発表)と特別講演(Doug Roland先生 [東京大学]。


★猪原敬介(電気通信大学 ポスドク研究員)







★Xiao Jing(国際基督教大学 大学院生)

Japanese Kanji Word Recognition Processing for Chinese Learners of
Japanese: A Study of Phonological Primed Lexical Decision Tasks

This study addresses the question of whether recognition of a Japanese
kanji、 which originates in Chinese、 for semantic representation is
performed without phonological mediation by advanced Chinese learners
of Japanese. We investigated whether L2 kanji recognition is affected
by whether a Japanese kanji word is shared with Chinese、 and cause
different word processing routes for Chinese learners. We also
examined the effects of word frequency. This study used a computerized
lexical judgment task with 2 types of Japanese kanji to investigate
the question: (a) cognates (sharing the same Chinese characters)、 (b)
non-cognates (not sharing the same Chinese characters). In addition、
we have two types of non-words in the experiment. In this study、 we
examined phonological processing in Japanese kanji recognition by
measuring the response time to a two-kanji compound word presented
after a sound prime that had the same sound from the first kanji and
to the two-kanji compound word presented after a sound prime which had
a different sound from the first kanji. The results showed that there
were significant effects on sound prime (target words with same sound
primes had shorter RTs) as well as form similarity (cognates had
shorter RTs). In addition、 there was an interaction effect between
sound primes and form similarity. That is、 non-cognates were
facilitated by the sound prime that had the same sound from the first
kanji of the non-cognates. But the facilitation effects did not occur
when the target words were cognates. We conclude that advanced Chinese
learners of Japanese do not activate phonological representations for
cognates in the word recognition process whereas they do activate
phonological representations for non-cognates.

★Roi Sawm Sumlut(国際基督教大学 大学院生)

Online Adults' False-belief reasoning in Second-Language
Comprehension: Eye-tracking Experiment

This experiment is an extension of previous experiment which examined
false belief reasoning in English second language learners who read a
text in L2. It was showed that in both L1 and L2、 egocentric bias
occurs、 but the effect of the text manipulation was different. Target
sentence near to the decision making process showed more bias than
target sentence distant position in L2 by estimating higher
probability to Green box. It is because participants have limited
resource to suppress highly activated information. However、 there was
no differences between distant and near conditions because
participants have enough resource to control in either conditions. The
probability estimation judgment is the end product of off-line
decision making process. The present experiment is conducted to
investigate the on-line decision making process of L2 learners by
using eye-tracking method、 and whether the direction of text effect
will be similar to the previous experiment or not. People tend to look
at the thing that they are thinking about. It was predicted that
participants who have egocentric bias towards the green box will make
first eye fixation movement to the green box. Results of this
experiment is consistent with that of previous experiment in which the
distant group showed more egocentric bias than the near group. There
were more people whose first eye movement fixated at Green box in the
distant group. This can be explained by the limitation of cognitive
resource availability as egocentric knowledge compromises
participants' ability to reason about protagonist's beliefs.

★上野泰治(名古屋大学 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD)

The causal role of the anterior temporal lobe in word reading:
A rTMS investigation

Cognitive neuroscience aims to understand how activities and
interactions from specific brain areas give rise to human functions、
thereby bridging a brain-mind gap. Different disciplines have
different advantages to achieve this aim. For example、 psychological
experiments and computational modeling have clarified the mechanisms
of human functions. Neuroscience and neuropsychological investigations
have contributed to map these mechanisms into specific brain
regions/fasciculi. Finally、 brain stimulation techniques have
demonstrated the causality of these identified regions/pathways for
the target mechanisms. One of the missing links between these
disciplines is regarding the role of the anterior temporal lobe in
reading a word with an atypical pronunciation (e.g.、 pint). Psychology
and modelling clarified that the reference to lexical-semantic
information is necessary for reading atypical words. Patients who have
a damage in the anterior temporal lobe show impairments in semantic
tasks、 and actually can not read words with atypical pronunciations.
Also、 fMRI evidence suggest this area is actually more activated when
reading atypical words. However、 somehow surprisingly、 there have been
no demonstration of causality of this region in reading atypical
words. In this study、 we applied repetitive transcranial magnetic
stimulation on the left anterior temporal lobe、 and demonstrated the
significantly impaired reading performance in atypical words.
Simultaneously、 a control stimulation on supramarginal gyrus
demonstrated the causal role of this area in single-word auditory
repetition for the first time. These findings are discussed in terms
of the dorsal-ventral dual-pathway framework of language processing.


★Doug Roland先生(東京大学)

What role does discourse play a role in relative clause processing?

Based on work by Fox and Thompson (1990)、 a series of studies looking
at the processing of relative clauses (Mak、 Vonk、 & Schriefers、 2002、
2006、 2008; Reali & Christiansen、 2007; Roland、 Mauner、 O'Meara、 &
Yun、 2012) have suggested that discourse-based expectations play an
important role in determining the difficulty incurred while processing
such relative clauses. However、 these previous studies all relied on
reading time data from the self-paced moving window paradigm. While
reading time data from studies relying on the self-paced paradigm
generally corresponds with reading time data from eye movement
studies、 some differences have been noted (e.g.、 Smith & Levy、 2013;
Staub、 2010). In particular、 recent data (Roland、 Hirose、 Mauner、 &
Foraker、 2015) suggest that some of the previous results that were
attributed to discourse effects may in fact be due to the nature of
the self-paced reading paradigm. In this talk、 I will discuss the
evidence for the role of discourse context in relative clause
processing、 focusing on the relationship between the underlying causes
of processing difficulty and the techniques used to measure this


法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス ボアソナードタワーは、市ヶ谷キャンパス内の26


