Authors: Takeo Isarida, Tetsuya Sakai, Takayuki
Miho Koga, Yu Katayama, & Toshiko K. Isarida


Title: Odor-context
effects in free recall after a short retention interval:
 A new methodology for controlling adaptation

Journal(書誌情報): Memory & Cognition, 42(3),


doi: 10.3758/s13421-013-0370-1




Abstract: The present study investigated
context effects of incidental odors in
free recall after a short retention-interval (5 min). With a
short retention-interval,
 the results are not confounded by extraneous
odors, or encounters with
the experimental odor and possible rehearsal during a
long retention-interval.
A short
study-time condition (4 s per item), predicted not to be affected by
to the odor, and a long study-time condition (8 s per item) were used.
 Additionally, we introduced
a new method for recovery from adaptation, where a
dissimilar odor was briefly
presented at the beginning of the retention interval,
 and we demonstrated the
effectiveness of this technique. An incidental learning
paradigm was used to
prevent overshadowing from confounding the results.
 In three experiments, undergraduates
(N = 200) incidentally studied words

presented one-by-one and received a free-recall test. Two pairs of odors, and
third odor having different semantic-differential characteristics, were
from 14 familiar odors. One of the odors was presented during
encoding, and
during the test the same odor (same-context condition) or the
other odor within
the pair (different-context condition) was presented. Without
using a recovery
from adaptation method, a significant odor-context effect appeared
in the 4-s/item
 condition, but not in the 8-s/item condition. Using the recovery
from adaptation
method, context effects were found for both the 8-s/item and
the 4-s/item conditions.
 The size of the recovered odor-context effect did not
change with study time.
There were no serial position effects. Implications of
the present findings are discussed.

