3 講演会: 2016年7月アーカイブ
講演者のMike Kerstenさんは,Texas Christian University心理学部博士課 程の大学院生で,日本学術振興会サマープログラムfellowとして,2ヶ月間京大 に滞在し,なつかしさの日米比較の実験的研究を進めてきました。
今回の講演では,Mikeさんが米国で進めてきた8つの研究について報告しま す。具体的には,なつかしさを引き起こすウェブサイトが幸福観に及ぼす効果, なつかしさが身体的活動やポジティブな健康態度に及ぼす効果,痛みの低減に及 ぼす効果とその日米比較などについて紹介します。さらに,なつかしさが心理・ 社会・身体的苦痛を緩和する役割に焦点をあてて,その応用可能性について検討 します。
日時:2016年8月18日(木曜) 午後1時半-3時
講演者 :Mike Kersten (Texas Christian University心理学部博士課程3年, 日本学術振興会サマープログラムfellow)
題目:The Effect of Nostalgia on Psychological, Social, and Physical Well-being
概要:The current research presents the findings from eight studies examining the relationship between nostalgia, a sentimental longing for the past, and psychological, social, and physical well-being. First, the results from Studies 1-3 found that exposure to social media websites increase feelings of nostalgia, which in turn, promote greater positive affect, life satisfaction, and relationship need satisfaction. The second set of experiments (Studies 4-6) revealed that greater health optimism following nostalgic reflection led to more positive health attitudes and increased physical activity over a two-week period (i.e. Fitbit activity trackers). Lastly, the findings from Studies 7 and 8 demonstrate that greater pain severity in individuals who experience chronic pain is associated with heightened proneness to nostalgic thought, and participants exposed to a pain induction report an increase in state nostalgia. Collectively, these findings add to the growing body of work demonstrating the interventional potential of nostalgic reverie by showing how nostalgia can serve as a potential mechanism to offset psychological, social, and physical distress.
Kersten, M., & Cox, C. R., & Van Enkevort, E. A (2016). An exercise in nostalgia: Nostalgia promotes health optimism and physical well-being. Health Psychology. DOI:10.1080/08870446.2016.1185524
Cox, C. R., Kersten, M., Routledge, C., Brown, E. M., & Van Enkevort, E. A. (2015). When past meets present: The relationship between website-induced nostalgia and well-being. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45, 282-299.
楠見 孝 京都大学大学院教育学研究科
下記のように、University of Wolverhampton (英国) から、Niall Galbraith
場所: 大阪市立大学杉本キャンパス文学部棟355
日時: 2016年7月22日(金) 15:00-17:40
15:00 - 16: 00
Which is preferred syllogism or enthymeme? : A cross-cultural study.
Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City University)
An enthymeme is a syllogism without its major premise. My hypothesis is that an omitted premise can be more recoverable and thus enthymeme is more accepted in a high-context culture. I tested this hypothesis gathering data from Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, French, and British.
16:10 - 17:40
Paranoia, jealousy, and date-gathering.
Niall Galbraith (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
I explore the relationships between psychotic-like experiences (PLE), romantic jealousy and data-gathering. PLEs and jealousy share similar psychological bases and jealousy may be a useful way to explore data-gathering biases in belief formation.
山 祐嗣
場所: 大阪市立大学杉本キャンパス文学部棟355
日時: 2016年7月22日(金) 15:00-17:40
15:00 - 16: 00
Which is preferred syllogism or enthymeme? : A cross-cultural study.
Hiroshi Yama (Osaka City University)
An enthymeme is a syllogism without its major premise. My hypothesis is that an omitted premise can be more recoverable and thus enthymeme is more accepted in a high-context culture. I tested this hypothesis gathering data from Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, French, and British.
16:10 - 17:40
Paranoia, jealousy, and date-gathering.
Niall Galbraith (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
I explore the relationships between psychotic-like experiences (PLE), romantic jealousy and data-gathering. PLEs and jealousy share similar psychological bases and jealousy may be a useful way to explore data-gathering biases in belief formation.
山 祐嗣