3 講演会: 2014年11月アーカイブ
日時:2014年11月27日(木) 13:30-15:00
場所:京都大学教育学部 第1会議室
講演者:Professor Akira Miyake(University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
講演題目:The effects of mind-wandering on learning from lectures: The
role of note-taking, topic interest, and working memory capacity
講演要旨:In this talk, I plan to present the results of a brand-new
study that our research team just finished conducting. This study is
part of a collaborative research project with Dr. Michael J. Kane
(University of North Carolina Greensboro). The primary goal of this
project is to understand how mind-wandering and other distractions
(e.g., checking emails, texting) affect the learning of science contents
(especially statistics) from lectures. In particular, our team tries to
understand what sort of situational and individual differences factors
contribute to the occurrence of mind-wandering during lectures and what
sort of cognitive or motivational interventions might be effective in
reducing the negative impact of mind-wandering on learning. As a first
step toward these goals, our team conducted a large-scale study (N =
200) that examined the impact of a common classroom activity,
note-taking, on mind-wandering. Undergraduate students who had not taken
any statist!
ics course before were randomly assigned to the note-taking or
no-note-taking condition and viewed a 50-min video lecture on
introductory statistics during which their frequency of mind-wandering
was assessed using online probes. Before the lecture, the participants
completed a selective set of individual differences measures that may be
predictive of the frequency of mind-wandering episodes during the
lecture (e.g., prior interest in statistics, working memory capacity).
The learning of the lecture content was assessed at both pretest and
posttest with different types of questions. In this talk, I will present
the results from this study that we have just started to analyze and
discuss the theoretical and practical/educational implications of the
results. I will also provide an overview of some currently ongoing
studies (e.g., the effects of tweeting/texting on mind-wandering and
learning) and the studies we plan to conduct in the next (Spring 2015)
semester (lab-based int!
ervention studies and a classroom observational study).
世話人:齊藤 智(京都大学大学院 教育学研究科)
このたび乾 敏郎教授が平成27年3月31日をもって,京都大学
////// 記 //////////////////////////////////////////////////
● ご退職記念シンポジウム「認知機能のシステム的理解をめざして」
と き 平成27年1月23日(金) 午後2時から
ところ 京都大学吉田本部構内 総合研究八号館三階 NSホール
14:00 - 14:10 開催ご挨拶
松山隆司 (知能情報学専攻長)
14:10 - 14:40 講演「脳と身体イメージ」
小川 健二(北海道大学)
14:40 - 15:10 講演「オブジェクト認知における特徴の統合」
齋木 潤(京都大学)
15:30 - 17:00 最終講義
乾 敏郎(京都大学)
17:00 - 17:10 閉会ご挨拶
記念行事幹事 水原啓暁
〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町
E-mail: hmizu[at]i.kyoto-u.ac.jp([at]を@に変えて送信してください。)