office: 2017年3月アーカイブ





Authors: Yoshimasa Majima, Kaoru Nishiyama, Aki Nishihara, Ryosuke, Hata
Title: Conducting Online Behavioral Research Using Crowdsourcing Services in Japan
Journal(書誌情報): Frontiers in Psychology, 8:378, 2017.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00378
Recent research on human behavior has often collected empirical data from the
online labor market, through a process known as crowdsourcing. As well as the
United States and the major European countries, there are several crowdsourcing
services in Japan. For research purpose, Amazon's Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is the
widely used platform among those services. Previous validation studies have shown
many commonalities between MTurk workers and participants from traditional samples
based on not only personality but also performance on reasoning tasks. The present
study aims to extend these findings to non-MTurk (i.e., Japanese) crowdsourcing
samples in which workers have different ethnic backgrounds from those of MTurk.
We conducted three surveys (N = 426, 453, 167, respectively) designed to compare
Japanese crowdsourcing workers and university students in terms of their
demographics, personality traits, reasoning skills, and attention to instructions.
The results generally align with previous studies and suggest that non-MTurk
participants are also eligible for behavioral research. Furthermore, small screen
devices are found to impair participants' attention to instructions. Several
recommendations concerning this sample are presented.

著者Contact先の email:
Authors: Yoshimasa Majima
Title: The Feasibility of a Japanese Crowdsourcing Service for Experimental Research in Psychology
Journal(書誌情報): SAGE Open, 7(1), 2017.
doi: 10.1177/2158244017698731
Recent studies have empirically validated the data obtained from Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
Amazon's Mechanical Turk workers behaved similarly not only in simple surveys but also in tasks
used in cognitive behavioral experiments that employ multiple trials and require
continuous attention to the task. The present study aimed to extend these findings
to data from Japanese crowdsourcing pool in which participants have different
ethnic backgrounds from Amazon's Mechanical Turk workers. In five cognitive
experiments, such as the Stroop and Flanker experiments, the reaction times and
error rates of Japanese crowdsourcing workers and those of university students
were compared and contrasted. The results were consistent with those of previous
studies, although the students responded more quickly and poorly than the workers.
These findings suggested that the Japanese crowdsourcing sample is another eligible participant
pool in behavioral research; however, further investigations are needed to
address issues of qualitative differences between student and worker samples.

著者Contact先の email:

Hidehito Honda
Yuichi Washida
Akihito Sudo
Yuichiro Wajima
Keigo Awata
Kazuhiro Ueda

The difference in foresight using the scanning method between experts and non-experts

Technological Forecasting and Social Change



We examined the factors that produce differences in generating scenarios on the near future using the scanning method. Participants were asked to briefly read (scan) 151 articles about new technology, the latest customs, fashion, social change, value system transition, or emerging social problems, and then to generate three scenarios about the near future based on the articles. We compared the generated scenarios between scanning method experts and non-experts with no prior experience with the scanning method. We found that experts generated more unique scenarios than non-experts did, and that experts and non-experts differed in the diversity of articles referenced when generating scenarios. We discuss the relationship between the present findings and previous findings on divergent thinking.

著者Contact先の email:
Hidehito Honda, hitohonda.02[at]
Kazuhiro Ueda, ueda[at]







 Email:takuetsu[at] [at]は@に変えて下さい
The 11th ICCS (ICCS 2017) will take place from Friday September 1st through to Sunday September 3rd, 2017 in Taipei. The conference will be held at the GIS Convention Center located on the campus of National Taiwan University ( 

The aim of the International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS) is to bring together researchers from various disciplines of cognitive science in both academia and industry, to discuss the latest research, application and development in the field. We invite abstracts from all fields of cognitive science, including but not limited to the following topics:

Animal Cognition
Artificial Intelligence
Brain, Learning, and Development
Cognitive Anthropology
Cognitive Development
Cognition and Culture
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive Modeling
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Psychology
Cognition and Visualization
Computer Science
Computational Neuroscience
Decision Making
Functional Brain Imaging
Human Intelligence
Human-Machine Interaction
Intelligent Systems
Learning Technology
Philosophy of Mind

Keynote lectures will be given by Professor Stanislas Dehaene (Collège de France, France), Professor Lian-Gee Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), and Professor Ernst Pöppel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany).

The contributed presentations will be either 15 minute oral presentations in parallel sessions, or posters. The abstracts (max length 300 English words) will be published on-line. The (extended) deadline for submitting an abstract is March 25th, 2017 (

Taipei is the home of Taipei 101, currently one of the tallest buildings in the world, and the National Palace Museum, with the world's most sophisticated collection of Chinese art and antiques. Within a short drive, the famous marble Taroko Gorge, sub-tropical forests covering towering mountains and rising cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean are all within your reach.

Please join us in a meeting that will both stimulate your mind and senses at ICCS 2017, Taiwan.


The Organizing Committee of ICCS 2017
Authors: Kuribayashi, R., & Nittono, H.

Title: High-resolution audio with inaudible high-frequency components induces a relaxed attentional state without conscious awareness (聞こえない高周波成分を含むハイレゾ音源を聞くと意識には上らないがリラックスした注意状態が生じる)

Journal(書誌情報): Frontiers in Psychology, 8:93

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00093


Abstract: High-resolution audio has a higher sampling frequency and a greater bit depth than conventional low-resolution audio such as compact disks. The higher sampling frequency enables inaudible sound components (above 20 kHz) that are cut off in low-resolution audio to be reproduced. Previous studies of high-resolution audio have mainly focused on the effect of such high-frequency components. It is known that alpha-band power in a human electroencephalogram (EEG) is larger when the inaudible high-frequency components are present than when they are absent. Traditionally, alpha-band EEG activity has been associated with arousal level. However, no previous studies have explored whether sound sources with high-frequency components affect the arousal level of listeners. The present study examined this possibility by having 22 participants listen to two types of a 400-s musical excerpt of French Suite No. 5 by J. S. Bach (on cembalo, 24-bit quantization, 192 kHz A/D sampling), with or without inaudible high-frequency components, while performing a visual vigilance task. High-alpha (10.5-13 Hz) and low-beta (13-20 Hz) EEG powers were larger for the excerpt with high-frequency components than for the excerpt without them. Reaction times and error rates did not change during the task and were not different between the excerpts. The amplitude of the P3 component elicited by target stimuli in the vigilance task increased in the second half of the listening period for the excerpt with high-frequency components, whereas no such P3 amplitude change was observed for the other excerpt without them. The participants did not distinguish between these excerpts in terms of sound quality. Only a subjective rating of inactive pleasantness after listening was higher for the excerpt with high-frequency components than for the other excerpt. The present study shows that high-resolution audio that retains high-frequency components has an advantage over similar and indistinguishable digital sound sources in which such components are artificially cut off, suggesting that high-resolution audio with inaudible high-frequency components induces a relaxed attentional state without conscious awareness.

著者Contact先の email: nittono[at] (入戸野 宏)

日本語によるコメント: 耳には聞こえない高周波成分(> 20 kHz)を残したディジタル音源(ハイレゾ)と,それをカットした同じ音源は,意識的には区別できません。しかし,前者を聴取すると脳波のアルファ帯域パワーが増大します。その心理学的意義を調べるために,今回の実験では,2つの音源間で視覚ヴィジランス課題の成績を比較しました。その結果,高周波成分を残した音源を聴くと,アルファ帯域パワーが増えるが,行動成績は低下しないこと,事象関連電位のP3(P300)成分の振幅が聴取期間の後半で増加することが分かりました。これらの知見は,高周波帯域を残した音源は,眠気を誘うのではなく,注意状態を高める効果があることを示唆しています。

Authors: Tagai, K., Shimakura, H., Isobe, H., & Nittono, H.

Title: The light-makeup advantage in facial processing: Evidence from event-related potentials (顔処理におけるライトメークの優位性:事象関連電位による証拠)

Journal(書誌情報): PLoS ONE, 12(2): e0172489

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172489


Abstract: The effects of makeup on attractiveness have been evaluated using mainly subjective measures. In this study, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from a total of 45 Japanese women (n = 23 and n = 22 for Experiment 1 and 2, respectively) to examine the neural processing of faces with no makeup, light makeup, and heavy makeup. To have the participants look at each face carefully, an identity judgement task was used: they were asked to judge whether the two faces presented in succession were of the same person or not. The ERP waveforms in response to the first faces were analyzed. In two experiments with different stimulus probabilities, the amplitudes of N170 and vertex positive potential (VPP) were smaller for faces with light makeup than for faces with heavy makeup or no makeup. The P1 amplitude did not differ between facial types. In a subsequent rating phase, faces with light makeup were rated as more attractive than faces with heavy makeup and no makeup. The results suggest that the processing fluency of faces with light makeup is one of the reasons why light makeup is preferred to heavy makeup and no makeup in daily life.

著者Contact先の email: keiko.tagai[at] (互 恵子),
nittono[at] (入戸野 宏)

日本語によるコメント: 前報(Frontiers in Psychology, 2016,において,ナチュラルなライトメークは,濃いヘビーメークよりも再認成績がよいことを報告しました。今回は,ライトメークを見た直後の脳電位を測定することで,化粧顔の処理について検討しました。ライトメークは,素顔やヘビーメークに比べて,N170成分(刺激提示後120-170 ms)の振幅が小さくなりました。それ以前のP1成分(80-110 ms)の振幅には差が認められませんでした。この知見は,濃すぎないナチュラルなメークを行うことにより,顔を見たときの処理が容易になることを示しています。印象評価では、ナチュラルメークの方がヘビーメークよりも魅力的と評価されていました。


今週11日(土)に,第7回 Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists を開催いたします。

Society for Tokyo Young Psychologistsは,若手研究者に対して,異分野交流の



<日時>     2017年3月11日(土) 10時~18時
<場所>     早稲田大学文学部 戸山キャンパス (東京・早稲田)
<参加費>    無料

[招待講演] 13:20~15:30
・ 浅井智久先生(NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所)
・ 大山寧寧先生(日本赤十字社医療センターメンタルヘルス科)

吉原将大(早稲田大学文学研究科 / 学術振興会特別研究員)
「面接のための効果的なプレゼンテーション― 学振面接の事例を通して―」

<お問い合わせ>  stypsych[at] [at]は@に変えて下さい



Meta-Adaptive Intelligent System (MAIS)-Project シンポジウム

日時:2017年3月17日 (金) 13:00-17:00
工学系総合研究棟2 2F コンファレンスルーム

13:00 Opening

13:00-13:20 Introduction of MAIS-Project
Prof. Yoshitsugu Manabe (Chiba University)
13:20-13:40 Pedestrian Navigation Application
Prof. Makoto Ichikawa (Chiba University)
13:40-14:00 Environmental Information Collection System with IoT
Associate Prof. Nobuyoshi Komuro (Chiba University)

14:10-15:10 Lab-forming Field and Field-forming Lab
Dr. Takeshi Kurata (AIST)

15:20-16:35 Visual Perception and Adaptation in Natural and Unnatural
Prof. Michael A. Webster (University of Nevada, Reno)

16:35    Closing

Visual Perception and Adaptation in Natural and Unnatural Environments
Prof. Michael A. Webster (University of Nevada, Reno)

Processes of adaptation continuously adjust visual sensitivity to match
the characteristics of the current environment. These adjustments affect
most aspects of perception, inducing large differences in visual
experience when he same observer is exposed to different worlds, while
similar experiences when different observers are exposed to the same
world. I will explore the consequences of these adaptation effects for
understanding how perception and visual performance can vary within
both the natural environments we evolved in, and the increasingly
artificial and specialized technological environments to which humans
are currently exposed. To the extent that we understand the statistics
of the environment and how vision adapts to them, the perceptual
consequences of adaptation can be modeled and potentially optimized by
adapting images to match the observer.
※ 参加費は無料・事前申し込み不要です。

※ 講演は英語で行われます。

※ 千葉大学へのアクセスは、下記URLをご覧ください。


問い合せ先:千葉大学・融合科学研究科(文学部) 木村英司
Email: eiji.kimura[at] [at]は@に変えて下さい


  第33回国際精神物理学会大会(Fechner Day 2017)開催および発表募集のご案内


2017年10月22日(日)~ 26日(木)に,九州大学芸術工学研究院 応用知覚科学研究センター主催にて,下記の要領で第33回国際精神物理学会大会(通称 Fechner Day 2017)を開催いたします.

 ・Sensory processes
 ・Perception of space and time
 ・Cross-modal processing
 ・Psychophysical methods
 ・Mathematical and computational models
 ・Animal psychophysics
 ・History and philosophy of psychophysics
 ・Cognitive factors in psychophysics (e.g. memory, attention)
 ・Practical applications

本吉勇先生(東京大学)と Robert J. Hartsuiker 先生(Ghent University)に


【日時】 2017年10月22日(日)~ 10月26日(木)
【場所】 電気ビル 共創館&本館
     〒810-0004 福岡県福岡市中央区渡辺通2丁目1-82
【主催】 九州大学芸術工学研究院 応用知覚科学研究センター
【組織委員会】 中島祥好(委員長),上田和夫,Gerard B. Remijn (九州大学)

【シンポジウム提案の申し込み締切】 2017年4月7日(金)(JST)
【発表申し込み(アブストラクト)締切】 2017年5月5日(金)(JST)
【発表抄録提出締切】 2017年6月30日(金)(JST)

 fd2017[at] ([at]を@に変えてメールをお送りください)

Web site:
E-mail: fd2017[at] ([at]を@に変えてください)