
Authors: Tagai, K., Shimakura, H., Isobe, H., & Nittono, H.

Title: The light-makeup advantage in facial processing: Evidence from event-related potentials (顔処理におけるライトメークの優位性:事象関連電位による証拠)

Journal(書誌情報): PLoS ONE, 12(2): e0172489

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172489


Abstract: The effects of makeup on attractiveness have been evaluated using mainly subjective measures. In this study, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from a total of 45 Japanese women (n = 23 and n = 22 for Experiment 1 and 2, respectively) to examine the neural processing of faces with no makeup, light makeup, and heavy makeup. To have the participants look at each face carefully, an identity judgement task was used: they were asked to judge whether the two faces presented in succession were of the same person or not. The ERP waveforms in response to the first faces were analyzed. In two experiments with different stimulus probabilities, the amplitudes of N170 and vertex positive potential (VPP) were smaller for faces with light makeup than for faces with heavy makeup or no makeup. The P1 amplitude did not differ between facial types. In a subsequent rating phase, faces with light makeup were rated as more attractive than faces with heavy makeup and no makeup. The results suggest that the processing fluency of faces with light makeup is one of the reasons why light makeup is preferred to heavy makeup and no makeup in daily life.

著者Contact先の email: keiko.tagai[at]to.shiseido.co.jp (互 恵子),
nittono[at]hus.osaka-u.ac.jp (入戸野 宏)

日本語によるコメント: 前報(Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00226)において,ナチュラルなライトメークは,濃いヘビーメークよりも再認成績がよいことを報告しました。今回は,ライトメークを見た直後の脳電位を測定することで,化粧顔の処理について検討しました。ライトメークは,素顔やヘビーメークに比べて,N170成分(刺激提示後120-170 ms)の振幅が小さくなりました。それ以前のP1成分(80-110 ms)の振幅には差が認められませんでした。この知見は,濃すぎないナチュラルなメークを行うことにより,顔を見たときの処理が容易になることを示しています。印象評価では、ナチュラルメークの方がヘビーメークよりも魅力的と評価されていました。



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