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 ■ Over博士講演会"The probability of counterfactuals"&思考心理学若手研究会

David Over博士が、日本学術振興会(企画者:神戸女学院大学山教授)の招きにより来日します。
Jonathan St.B.T. Evans , David E. Over「合理性と推理―人間は合理的な思考が可能か」

日時 2007.4.3(火曜日) 
場所 京都大学教育学部
1:30-3:30  Over先生を囲む若手研究会(215室)
小宮あすか(京大教育M1) Cultural differences of regret under interpersonal and personal situation :US-Japan comparison.
田中優子(京大教育D1) The degree of belief in implicit assumption and the evaluation of enthymeme.
服部郁子(立命館大学心理) A role of causal strength in naive reasoning
コメンテイター David Over

4:30-6:00 Over先生講演会(第1講義室)
タイトル:The probability of counterfactuals
要旨:Counterfactual conditionals are of great interest in philosophy and psychology. These conditionals appear closely related to statements about causation and dispositions, and also to intense human feelings of regret and relief. Yet basic philosophical and psychological questions about them do not have agreed answers. There is not an accepted normative logical system for counterfactuals, and cognitive psychologists have only just started to investigate people’s actual counterfactual reasoning. One basic question is about the relation between counterfactual and indicative conditionals. I will try to clarify this relation by discussing inferences from disjunctive statements. Another basic question is how people come to have a degree of confidence in counterfactuals. I will describe psychological research with my collaborators that attempts to answer this question. In our theory, a counterfactual conditional, “if p had been the case, then q would have been”, is closely related to an indicative conditional, “if p then q”, stated earlier in time. The subjective probability of the counterfactual is the probability of the indicative conditional at that earlier time. The subjective probability of the indicative is itself determined by a process of hypothetical thought, which has the result that its probability is the conditional subjective probability of q given p. I will review the experimental evidence for this theory and discuss its problems and limitations.

楠見 孝 kusumi(at)educ.kyoto-u.ac.jp

投稿者 office : 2007年04月03日 20:48