

Authors: Makoto Ichikawa, Yuko Masakura (一川誠,政倉祐子)

Title: Motion capture depends upon the common fate factor among elements.

Journal(書誌情報): Perception

doi: 10.1177/0301006617720123

論文URL: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0301006617720123

When observers move the head backwards and forwards while fixating on the center of the concentric circles that consist of oblique lines, they see illusory rotation of those circles. If several dots are superimposed on the proximity to the inner concentric circles, observers see the illusory rotation not only for the circles but also for the superimposed dots. This illusory rotation of the dots is based on motion capture. In this study, in order to understand the basis of the motion capture, we examined how motion signal with different directions (rotation, expansion/contraction, and horizontal translation) in terms of motion on a display, as well as illusory motion signal from the oblique components, affects the motion capture. If the stimulus presented rotation with expansion/contraction, or rotation with horizontal translation for the entire stimulus, then observers tended to perceive motion capture for the superimposed dots. However, if the stimulus presented only rotation of the circles, then observers tended to perceive induced motion for the superimposed dots. These results suggest that the existences of the common fate factor for the entire stimulus determine the means of allocating and integrating the motion signal in each element in the stimulus to generate motion capture.

著者Contact先の email: michikawa[at]chiba-u.jp

運動捕捉とは,静止した刺激が,運動する刺激と同じ方向に動いているように見えるという錯視現象である.運動捕捉が生じると,運動刺激とは逆に動いて見える誘導運動とは反対の方向の動きが見えることになる. 今回の論文では,Pinna錯視を用いた実験により,刺激全体にかかわる共通の運動的特性,つまりは「共通運命」があれば運動捕捉が生じるのに対し,そうした共通の運動的特性がなければ誘導運動が生じるのかが決められることが示された.これらの結果は,視覚系が,刺激間の共通運命特性に従って視野内の要素への運動情報の割り当て様式を決めることを示唆している.



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