
Authors: Ryoma Yamada, Yukio Itsukushima, Tanjeem Azad, & D. Stephen Lindsay

Title: Schema Provoke False Knowing Even When Schema-Consistent Targets Had Not Been Presented

Journal(書誌情報): International Journal of Psychological Studies, Volume 6, No 3,
pages 62-70, September 2014
doi: 10.5539/ijps.v6n3p62

論文URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijps.v6n3p62

Human memory is not always an accurate record of experienced events. Information that has never been
experienced but is consistent with a relevant schema is sometimes mistaken as memory, giving rise to false
memories. In this study, we focused on whether schema can provoke false memory for actions and for objects
even when schema-consistent targets had not been presented. We presented schema-inconsistent actions and
schema-inconsistent objects in a slide sequence depicting a kitchen. Later, we administered an old/new
recognition test with remember/know judgments and Perception/Thought/Emotion/Context ratings for
schema-inconsistent targets, schema-consistent distracters, and schema-inconsistent distracters. Both for the
actions and the objects, participants more often falsely recognized schema-consistent distracters than
schema-inconsistent distracters. That is, memory can be reconstructed along the scene schema, provoking false
memory. However, these false memories were not typically accompanied by "remember" judgments but rather
by "know" judgments. The similarity between schema-consistent targets and schema-consistent distracters is an
essential factor for false recollection.

著者Contact先の email: ryom_cc@yahoo.co.jp

ただし,虚回想には至らなかった。虚回想が生じるには,ターゲットと妨害刺激の類似性が必要と 考えられる。



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