
Authors:Shibata, Hiroshi; Inui, Toshio; Ogawa, Kenji

Title:Role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in recognizing hand
actions performed in social contexts: a functional MRI study

Journal(書誌情報):Neuroreport. 24(14):803-807, 2013



Abstract:We investigated the role of the prefrontal areas in recognizing
hand actions performed in social contexts. We used video clips depicting
the interaction between two individuals: one person (requester)
requested the other person to pass one of two objects. The other person
(responder) then passed the object that was congruent to the request in
the congruent condition or incongruent in the incongruent condition.
Both requester and responder appeared on screen in the two-person
condition and only the responder appeared in the one-person condition.
Participants were required to observe the clips and to judge whether the
responder's actions were congruent or incongruent. Functional MRI showed
the incongruency effect in the prefrontal cortex. In particular, the
brain areas including the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
showed the interaction effect; the magnitude of activation in the
incongruent condition was significantly higher than that in the congruent !
 condition, but this difference was found only in the two-person
condition. These results suggest that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
play an important role in the detection of incongruency between the
requester's request and the responder's action depending on social contexts.

著者Contact先の email:hshibata@rehab.tbgu.ac.jp



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